An attitude of total humility and total surrender to the Will of the Father

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The attitude of complete humility, subjection, and surrender to the Lordship and the Will of God is crucial for us to be useful servants and to be promoted in the Kingdom of God. When we recognize our smallness and insignificance before God's sovereignty and submit to Him sincerely, God is encouraged to bless and use us. This attitude is seen throughout Scripture, such as in Psalm 131 where David describes himself as a child weaned from his mother, recognizing his total dependence on God. God is pleased when we recognize His greatness and lordship and cultivate an attitude of fragility and total need for Him. We must also recognize our smallness before the power of God. The parable of the useless servant reminds us to consider ourselves as servants even when we have done everything God has commanded us.

The Lord wants to instill in us that attitude of complete humility, complete subjection, total surrender to the Lordship and the Will of God. In this attitude of total surrender to the Lord lies our possibility to be truly useful servants and to be promoted, and advanced in the Kingdom of God, and to acquire and achieve all the greatness that God wants us to achieve.

So, paradoxically, when we learn to consider ourselves servants, that is, slaves of God, that is when God exalts us and can lift us to a very high level. And that fundamental truth that later I am going to qualify with another very interesting idea almost contrary to the one that I have just exposed here, but which is complementary to the first, that truth of total surrender, total subjection, recognition of our own smallness and insignificance Before the lordship and sovereignty of God, that truth is exposed throughout all of Scripture, and we have to try to enter it and cultivate it, and make it a central part of our mind and our way of seeing ourselves in our relationship with God. , because God sees the heart.

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