Chosen lineage

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The parable of the useless servants reminds us that we are ultimately unworthy and undeserving of anything good, but God treats us as His children and friends. Although we are slaves, God has adopted us as His own and treats us with love, mercy, and generosity. We can approach the Throne of God confidently, through the path opened by Christ's death on the cross. While we must remember our unworthiness, we must also be grateful for God's kindness and consideration.

Contrary to this lord that the parable of the useless servants describes, God does not treat us as if we do not deserve anything, we are worth nothing. God considers us, God helps us to live a blessed life.

For example, in one of the passages of Scripture, when the disciples are sent to preach the Gospel and return after their evangelistic journey, when they return to the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord tells them: Let's go to a separate place to rest. In other words, the Lord knew that these people had been working hard, hard in the task that He had given them to go to the villages and preach the Gospel, and when they return He is aware that, like they need a vacation and that's why He says to them: Let's go now to a deserted place to rest a little. Very different from what this parable indicates of an owner, a lord who is very inconsiderate of his servant's needs for rest.

Other publications related to "Chosen lineage":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Useless servants we are
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God might receive us as slaves but treats us as sons
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses how God treats us as sons despite our true condition as servants of Christ. He uses the example of Pauls letter to Philemon to illustrate this duality and encourages listeners to approach Gods throne with gratitude.

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We are useless servants, undeserving of any praise
A sermon about the parable of the servant who does everything his master asks of him without expecting any praise or reward and how it relates to the fundamental attitude of a believer.

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God treats us in a preferential way
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses how God treats us in a preferential way as his children through grace, and how we can approach the Throne of Grace with confidence to receive blessings.

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Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the concept of Gods grace and our duty to surrender to His will, using the servant parable as an example.

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