We are useless servants, undeserving of any praise

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Luke 17:7-10, Jesus tells a parable about a servant who plows or grazes cattle. The servant returns from the field and the owner does not invite him to sit at the table but rather tells him to prepare the table and serve him until he has eaten and drunk. The owner does not thank the servant for doing what was commanded. Jesus emphasizes that when we have done everything that has been ordered to us, we should say that we are useless servants because we have only done what we were told to do. This attitude of extreme subjection and surrender to God's will is fundamental for every mature believer. We do not deserve anything from God ultimately, and we owe everything to Him. While we can approach God with the expectation of blessings, we should not have a sense of entitlement or merit. This parable illustrates the relationship between a believer and God, where we have no rights against God, and everything we have is due to His grace and mercy.

The sermon is about the parable of the servant who does everything his master asks of him without expecting any praise or reward. The pastor emphasizes that as Christians, we are servants of God and owe everything to Him. We don't deserve any commendation or reward for what we do for Him. The fundamental attitude of the believer should be one of gratitude and service to God, living for His Kingdom and not for ourselves. We should be available for God 24/7 and be willing to do whatever He asks of us. The pastor also warns against the subtle belief that God exists to advance our interests and give us a comfortable life. Instead, we should understand that everything we receive after serving the Lord is pure grace and mercy, and we should not expect anything in return.

The fundamental attitude of a believer must be to live for God and advance the interests of His Kingdom, recognizing that we belong to God and He has the right to do with us what He wants. We must live in a mentality of surrender and total dependence on the Will of God, knowing that we deserve nothing and owe everything to Him. We are like useless servants who do not deserve any praise, but God loves us and treats us as His adopted children, blessing us constantly and sharing with us. We must have a sense of deep gratitude towards God and serve Him all the days of our lives.

We are going to the Word of the Lord, Luke chapter 17 verses from 7 to 10 and we are going to simply read, and enter directly into the Word. They are words of the Lord Jesus Christ, a parable, an illustration, a story that the Lord tells to illustrate a deep spiritual truth that we do very well to integrate into our lives.

The Lord says and asks rhetorically: "Which of you having a servant who plows or grazes cattle, when he returns" that is, the servant "from the field, then says to him: come in, sit at the table." By the way, I say that it is a rhetorical question because the answer is already known. In this case, given the customs of the time, the answer was a resounding: no one, no one, no one, not me, no person, no. The idea was that no one who has a servant, after he has done his job, says: oh, come, sit down, come to the table, eat with us. Those were the customs of that time and the Lord uses those customs to point out something, a spiritual truth.

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