Each one has the measure of the Holy Spirit that he desires.

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The Holy Spirit is a person who can be grieved by our actions, and our level of fullness of the Spirit depends on what we do. Ephesians is a letter about spiritual warfare, and Christians have been granted authority to act on Jesus' behalf in the spiritual realm. Anger in itself is not a sin, but it becomes a sin when we handle it improperly, hold onto it, and let it accumulate. Forgiveness is a practice that pleases the Holy Spirit and is necessary for emotional hygiene.

Forgiveness is essential for a healthy life, even non-Christian psychologists recognize this. Forgiveness means canceling the debt owed to you and releasing the burden of holding a grudge. It does not necessarily mean going back to being friends with the person who hurt you, but rather forgiving them from afar. To prime the pump for the Holy Spirit to flow in your life, engage in activities such as speaking to each other with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, always giving thanks to God, and submitting to people in authority in your life. Praise with all your heart and give thanks to God for everything, even in the midst of difficult times. Christians can be honest about their problems, but they should speak them to God instead of always complaining.

The sermon discusses how to be filled with the Holy Spirit by practicing certain exercises. The first exercise is to watch our words and speak positively, giving thanks instead of complaining. The second exercise is to praise and give thanks even in difficult situations, which cultivates the fullness of the Spirit within us. The third exercise is to honor and submit to those around us, which opens the way for the Holy Spirit to fill us. The sermon encourages Christians to take small steps and put these exercises into practice, which will lead to a pump of the Holy Spirit flowing within us. The sermon ends with a prayer asking for specific opportunities to practice these exercises and for God to come among us.

Ephesians 4, we are going to continue talking as the pastor has us on that thread, on that topic of the filling of the Holy Spirit and how we can be truly anointed people, each one of us. That's not for singers and preachers, this is for all of us. The spirit of God without measure in the last days the Lord says, on everyone I will pour out my spirit in the last days, my servants, my servants, old people, young people, everyone. We have to yearn for more and more of that spirit.

And we are going to talk today about the part that is up to us, to cultivate that fullness. I would like to start with a slightly radical comment. I am going to say that each one of us has the measure of the Holy Spirit that we want, if we want little, we have little, if we want more there is more. What you have is what you want. Let me correct one thing, if you are a Christian you cannot escape the Holy Spirit, you have the spirit in your heart. But what we do in a great way determines the level of fullness that we experience from that Holy Spirit that God has given us.

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