The gift of a tender heart towards others
Gregory Bishop(Audio: Spanish)
The Book of Ephesians begins by saying that we are blessed in the spiritual, heavenly, and supernatural environment, but also ends by saying that we have a call to be a supernatural people and to walk worthy of the call with which we were called. We are called to be a diamond of God's grace to demonstrate the multifaceted wisdom of God in the world. The Lord requires a change in the Christian life, and it starts with the renewal of the mind. We need to remove the old man, who is corrupted according to deceitful desires, and put on the new man, created according to God in righteousness and true holiness. We need to speak truth and discard lies, be angry but not sin, and let go of bitterness, anger, wrath, shouting, gossip, and malice. Instead, we need to be kind, merciful, and forgiving to one another, as God forgave us in Christ. We are a new creature in Christ, and the old life is no longer for us.
Discipleship involves removing the mask and being honest about our struggles with sin. Anger is not a sin in itself, but holding onto anger and bitterness can prevent the flow of God's anointing. Forgiveness is key to removing this obstacle and promoting healing. It is not about excusing or minimizing the offense, but canceling the debt and releasing the burden. Forgiveness does not necessarily require reconciliation, and it can be a long emotional process. Work is also important, as it promotes healing and allows us to share with others. Our words have the power to promote life or death, and we must strive to speak words of life. Ultimately, we must strive to have a tender heart towards others, showing double compassion and love, just as God has shown us grace and forgiveness. This Christmas, let us put on the new man and live in the grace of God, giving and forgiving as we have received.Ephesians chapter 4 verse 3: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in heavenly places with every blessing in Christ.” It begins by saying that we are a blessed people in the spiritual, heavenly, invisible, supernatural environment, and the Book of Ephesians ends in chapter 6 saying that: "Our fight is not against blood or flesh, but against principalities and powers" and leaders of forces of evil “in the heavenlies.”
So the letter begins by saying that we are blessed in the invisible spiritual environment, but it also ends by saying that we have a struggle in the spiritual environment, that we have a call to be a supernatural people, that we have a call not to be as usual, but to be used as a spiritual instrument on Earth for the power from on high to run in this world. As a Church, we are called to be a diamond of God's grace to demonstrate the multifaceted, multifaceted wisdom of God in the world, and for this the Lord calls us to lift up our way of living, to walk worthy of the call with which we were called. , that it is no longer time to play Christianity as usual. It is time to say: Lord, I am part of something special and I am not going to minimize my part, I am not going to let someone else do it.