The 3 stages of implementing a vision - build, affirm and enhance

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: English, Spanish) ->Alternate

SUMMARY: The speaker discusses the challenge of translating big dreams into concrete actions in order to make them a reality. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance and sticking to the vision in spite of setbacks and difficulties. He uses examples from the Bible and his own experience, such as the process of building a church. He also notes that small victories and steps forward will eventually snowball and bring greater resources and momentum.

To turn a vision into reality, it needs to be broken down into a project and designed with specific details. Then, it requires execution one step at a time until the vision becomes a reality. To achieve this, one needs determination, energy, persistence, discipline, systemic thinking, teamwork, and the ability to find allies. One also needs to cultivate an elitist mentality and the capacity to think structurally. Developing a personal life vision that includes becoming the kind of person who can implement God's dreams is also crucial. Honesty, humility, lucidity, good readings, and edifying conversations are essential.

To become the person God wants us to be, we need to cultivate good habits and surroundings such as reading edifying materials, having good conversations, and engaging in stimulating environments. Continual intellectual exercise is also important, such as watching good movies and documentaries, listening to great music, and developing powerful human relations. It's important to align our daily practice with our values and dreams, as consistency is key. This takes time, but with effort and God's principles, we can become people of power and creativity who reflect the greatness of our Creator. We should receive the Word of God and let it settle in us, knowing that it will grow into something great over time.

The Lord has placed in my spirit what I call 'horizontal sermons' and by horizontal I mean sermons that are not necessarily too mystical or too spiritual but really, they are of course founded in the Word of God but they also speak about aspects of the practical life of a believer. So we aren't focused on any particular character or text necessarily but just the Spirit of God overshadowing the entire theme that we are addressing.

It's interesting, if I remember right there's a Book in the Bible, the Book of Esther. In the whole Book of Esther the name of God is never explicitly named right?

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