Live according to a vision

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker discusses the importance of living a visionary life, one that envisions great things for the Lord and does what it takes to realize that vision. Using Isaiah 54, the speaker explains that God calls us to live an entrepreneurial life, to conceive great visions, and to expect great things from God. The passage also encourages rejoicing and singing, even in times of barrenness or failure, as these attitudes can open up the possibility for God to work in our lives. The speaker emphasizes the importance of cultivating a positive spirit, speaking positively, expressing gratitude, and worshiping the Lord. The passage also touches on the idea of resting in the Lord and adopting a calm and still attitude, which can be just as important as being eager and active in our faith.

The passage discusses the importance of rejoicing in the Lord and cultivating a positive attitude. It then goes on to outline four steps for success and victory in life, which are expanding the site, extending the curtains of your rooms, lengthening your ropes, and strengthening your stakes. The site represents the mind, sensitivity, imagination, and creativity, and the curtains represent taking action and moving from conception to concrete. The passage encourages readers to dream big and take small steps towards achieving their goals, trusting that God will guide them along the way.

The passage from Isaiah 54:2-3 speaks about widening the tent, lengthening the cords, strengthening the stakes, and expanding the space. These principles can be applied to our lives and projects. Widening the tent means to take risks and expand our comfort zone. Lengthening the cords means to establish structure and discipline in our lives. Strengthening the stakes means to protect ourselves and our projects with prayer, integrity, character, human relationships, and self-control. Expanding the space means to embrace growth and not be afraid of challenges that may come with it. It is important to reinforce the stakes and not compromise our beliefs, even in the face of success or pressure from others.

The key to success in life is to have a strong faith in God and to honor Him above all else. This means being disciplined, persistent, and focused on God's principles, even in the face of opposition or adversity. It also means protecting the blessings we receive from God by praying, practicing spiritual warfare, and maintaining a high level of integrity and character. By doing these things, we can live a powerful, successful, and fulfilling life that inspires others and brings glory to God. Anyone who wants to start this journey can do so by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, confessing Him with their mouth, and inviting Him into their life. We should always be grateful, expectant, and positive in our outlook, and trust that God will guide us on the path to success and abundance.

I want to talk to you about a visionary life, an entrepreneurial life, a life that envisions great things for the Lord and does what it has to do to realize that vision, a life of vision that is something that is talked about so much today, about To live according to a vision.

And our church is a visionary church and that is why we do the things we do, that is why we are always changing something here, there, undertaking new projects because the Lord wants us investing in his kingdom and undertaking new and bold things.

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