Three stages in the realization of each vision - edify, affirm and enrich

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Español, Inglés) ->Original

RESUMEN: In these days, the speaker has been giving "horizontal sermons" that deal with the practical implications of the Gospel for everyday life. The focus is on turning dreams and visions into reality by taking concrete actions. It is important to cultivate our minds and sensitivity with the principles of the Word to unleash our potential. Successful people have the ability to execute and turn their visions into visible actions. It is normal to feel fear and discouragement when translating visions into reality, but we must discipline ourselves to hold onto the vision and prevail over emotions. The vision will gain its own life and density as we commit to it and gain allies. The development of a vision follows a natural progression: vision, project, design, components, and execution.

The process of achieving a vision involves turning it into a project, designing components, and executing it. It is important to have qualities such as determination, persistence, discipline, systemic thinking, seeking allies, and analytical capacity to achieve a vision. These qualities can be developed through specific exercises, such as reading, cultivating good relationships, and continuous intellectual exercise. It is important to conceive personal transformation as a lifelong vision and submit to the correct stimuli to develop these qualities.

The author discusses how to become the person you want to be by surrounding yourself with good influences and submitting to positive stimuli. By aligning with God's principles and staying true to your vision, you can become a reflection of God's image. The author prays for the Holy Spirit to help us achieve our goals and give glory to God.

The Lord has put in my heart in these days what I call "horizontal sermons" that is to say they are spiritual based on the Word but they deal with practical life, horizontal daily life, the implications of the Gospel for normal day-to-day life .

So they're not obviously grounded in a specific passage of Scripture, a character, but the Presence of God is in the entire sermon itself.

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