Each improvement process begins with a real diagnosis

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker discusses the importance of going beyond faith and declarations of success in achieving one's goals. He emphasizes the need for substance and character in leaders, and the importance of examining oneself in the light of truth. The speaker also uses the example of Peter's self-deception to illustrate the need for a realistic self-awareness. He encourages listeners to focus on the essence of a person or teaching, rather than the external appearance or rhetoric.

The speaker discusses the experiences of Peter and Moses in the Bible, emphasizing the importance of going through a process of growth and improvement. Peter's denial of Jesus showed him his own weaknesses, leading to personal growth and maturity. Moses was born at the right time for God's plan, and went through a process of preparation before becoming a leader. The speaker encourages building one's life and ministry on solid biblical principles rather than superficial success and prosperity.

Build your life and ministry on solid biblical principles, not on what people want from you. God's timing is important, and we must flow with it. Sometimes, we need to go through difficult experiences in order to learn and grow, and we can redeem our past by seeing how God has used it to shape us. Moses was formed through his experiences as an Egyptian prince, a goat herder, and a murderer, and God used all of these experiences to prepare him for his calling as a liberator of his people. We must discern what is of God and what is of the devil, and always choose the principles of the Kingdom of God.

God sometimes has to put us through a process to shape us into who He wants us to be. Moses spent forty years in Egypt and forty years in the desert before God called him to lead His people. We need to have eyes to see God's hand in our daily lives and enjoy the journey towards our goals. Even if we don't achieve everything we want, we can celebrate what we have achieved and bless God for it. Peter went through a painful process before becoming a great man of God who wrote inspiring Epistles. God wants to prepare us, use us, bless us, and give us joy, but most importantly, He wants to shape our character. We should fall in love with the process, not just the goal.

I want to share with you: Principles of success in life. You will remember that we are talking about how to turn your dreams, your visions into reality; how to go from the vision in your mind and the desire to be successful, to live a powerful life, to achieve things, achieve your goals, realize them and see them come true in your life and what it takes to accomplish that so what step we simply now consecrate this moment to the Lord: Father bless us and guide us in this time that we are going to have, Father in the Name of Jesus, amen.

Then again: from vision to action how to turn our dreams into reality. We have said that it takes more than faith and noble feelings to achieve success it is not enough to simply pray and ask the Lord and declare things of prosperity as we sometimes think is all we need to do. We have said that there is an inconsistency among Christians between what we confess and what we live, what we say we are in Christ. We say for example: "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me" right? and but then in our life we have a lot of ties and when people look at our marriages there is destruction, when they look at our finances we are not up to what we aspire to, when they look at our emotional life they see all kinds of flaws and ties and of things that hurt around us.

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