wake up and go

Valerie Gonzalez
Valerie Gonzalez

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the speaker talks about the story of Jonah and how it relates to the Church. The Church is the Body of Christ and should reflect the light of Christ. However, sometimes we become enamored with the grace that we receive and forget to share it with others. We need to wake up and see that we are the Church and that our priorities need to change. We must focus on the values that define us as the Church and be proud to represent Christ. The storms in our lives are opportunities for us to evaluate our priorities and throw away things that are not necessary for our purpose.

This sermon encourages listeners to change their priorities and focus on the values that define the Church. It reminds them that God is in control of the storms in their lives and uses them to reveal truths about themselves. The speaker also emphasizes the need for prayer in the world and for the Church to wake up and fulfill its role as a lifeguard and fisher of men. The message concludes with a call to be the light that saves others and to open our eyes to God's plan for us.

The speaker encourages people to be the light and wake up to that light so that they can shine wherever God wants. They believe that grace is not just for oneself, but it comes to give freely to others. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of prayer and urges people not to take it lightly. They pray for the women present, asking God to help them wake up and see their destiny and to use them for His glory.

The theme this morning is “Wake up and see” and there are four things I would like to share with you that we need to wake up and see, the first thing I would like to talk about this morning is that we have to wake up and see that we are the Church. On this day I want to talk to you a little about a story that is quite well known and because of time I am not going to read the whole chapter but I am going to be talking about the Book of Jonah chapter 1.

Many of us know the story of Jonah, Jonah was a prophet, a prophet is someone who listens and obeys the Voice of God. The job of the prophet is to know the heart of God and help others to understand it, the prophet lives and depends on the desires of God. When we meet Jonah in chapter 1 it is important to know that Jonah was not a new believer, he was not trying to see what he was in the Body of Christ, at that time they did not know Christ, but in the Church, he knew the purpose of his life, he knew his identity, and he had been active for a while, he came and functioned with his relationship with God as a prophet.

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