submit to each other

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The sermon focuses on the concept of authority and its importance in the church and in everyday life. The speaker emphasizes the need for leaders to exercise authority with a spirit of service and for those under their leadership to submit to authority with respect and obedience. The Bible is seen as founded on a structure of authority, with God establishing authorities and expecting them to be respected. The Apostle Paul's words in Ephesians 5 illustrate how concepts of authority penetrate the most normal things in life, such as relationships between parents and children and at work. The speaker emphasizes the importance of harmony in relationships and the blessing that comes from submitting to authority.

In this sermon, the speaker discusses the concept of authority in family and work relationships, as explained by the Apostle Paul in the Bible. The speaker emphasizes the importance of mutual submission and respect, and explains that the authority figure should consider the dignity and rights of those they lead. The speaker acknowledges that the Bible instructs wives to submit to their husbands, but also emphasizes that husbands have a responsibility to love and honor their wives, just as Christ loved and sacrificed for the church. The speaker encourages men to lead their homes with the spirit of Jesus Christ, and to make it their goal to help their wives reach their full potential. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of treating others with love, respect, and healthy fear before God.

The Bible teaches about submitting to authority, whether it be in marriage, parenting, or other areas of life. Men thrive on respect, while women need love and affection. Children are called to obey their parents in the Lord, and parents are called to raise their children with discipline and respect. It is important to exercise authority in the spirit of Jesus Christ and not abuse it. When we submit to authority in the right way, there is a great blessing involved.

I want you to go with me to the word of the Lord in Ephesians Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 as well, part of them. It is a whole subject that has to do with it, as you know we are talking about the subject of authority and we have been working on it for a few weeks, and since I was away these days I could not continue with the subject, but there are many things that the Lord has put on my heart, and I feel that this is a seminal sermon series in the sense that they are laying a foundation for the life of our church.

Rarely do I feel like, I mean, I feel so convinced that I am preaching in the spirit in a prophetic attitude and that God is speaking to our church and is speaking to my life as with this series of sermons on authority, which I didn't really have in mind going in that direction. But God is speaking to us because God wants to prepare us as a church, God wants to prepare us as a community.

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