Strange Fire = Good Intentions Are Not Enough

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The sermon is on the topic of authority and its importance in the church at this time. The pastor believes that God is preparing to open a new era in the history of humanity, and the church will receive unprecedented authority. In order to properly exercise this authority, the church needs to understand the principles of authority and have people who know how to submit to authority. Apostolic authority will be needed in the church that God is raising up. The pastor gives examples of how even in unexpected areas, such as art or an orchestra, authority is needed to function properly. He emphasizes the importance of adhering to authority and receiving it with pleasure. The more humble one becomes, the more room there is for the spirit of God to dwell.

In this sermon, the speaker emphasizes the importance of submitting to authority in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. He explains that it is not about the individual, but about the authority they represent and the values they embody. He stresses that humility, brokenness, and simplicity are essential for the glory of God to flow through an individual. He also emphasizes the importance of building a church on solid, lasting foundations and principles. The speaker uses biblical passages to illustrate the dangers of not following principles of authority, such as the case of Nadab and Abihu, who offered strange fire before God. He concludes that submission to authority is essential for growth and blessings in the Christian life.

The story of Nadab and Abihu in Leviticus 10 shows the importance of following God's commands and respecting His holiness. Many people today serve God without His calling and authority, resulting in a lack of protection and power. We must approach God with reverence and humility, understanding His authority and obeying His principles. Aaron's response to the death of his sons shows the importance of submitting to God's judgment and authority. However, we are also covered by the grace of Jesus Christ, allowing us to approach God confidently. We should strive to be a humble and obedient people, living up to the profound principles in Scripture.

Let's go to the word of the Lord. How many remember the topic we are dealing with these days. I know I wasn't here last Sunday, but what topic is it? About authority. Everyone say authority, that is the key word, and I have insisted on this issue because I feel from the Lord that it is a prophetic issue, it is a key issue for our church at this time of its development, it is something that God is speaking, I believe, for all his church with a capital I, universal.

I believe that God has great things for the coming times. We are going to witness a movement of the spirit on this earth and in history like never before in the entire history of humanity.

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