Youth need mentors

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the pastor discusses the importance of spiritual authority and preaching sound doctrine. He references the epistle to Titus and the importance of pastors speaking with authority and preaching the truth of God's word. The pastor also emphasizes the importance of the congregation being open and submissive to the word of God, even if it challenges them. He encourages young people to be hungry for the word of God and to take the privilege of sitting at the feet of Jesus through pastors and teachers seriously. The pastor believes that the healing of communities begins with a church that feels free to announce the whole counsel of God's word and by people who come to church hungry and thirsty for the truth of God.

In this sermon, the pastor speaks about the importance of respecting authority and the value of older members of the community. He encourages young people to seek mentors and advice from older, experienced individuals, and he urges older individuals to use their wisdom and experience to bless and guide younger generations. He emphasizes the importance of healthy family relationships and the need for Christians to live out their faith in a way that is different from the dysfunctional patterns of the world. By following the patterns of authority set out in the Bible, the pastor believes that families and communities can experience the peace and blessing of God.

The church must live according to the patterns of authority and integrity set by the word of God. This includes the elderly, the young, women, men, pastors, and workers. Christian workers should be the best employees, giving their best effort and being a resource for their employers. The church must also humble itself and acknowledge its own faults before God. When the church lives according to these patterns, the glory of God will manifest in the community. We must be hungry and thirsty for the word of God, open to its teaching and correction. The church should be a place where hearts are open to God's truth, and where new families and young people are welcomed and raised up to be an exemplary generation.

In the book of Titus, the epistle to Titus, the Apostle Paul wrote Titus a letter of instructions on how to carry out his pastorate, his ministry. And I want to do my best, I'll say, to wrap up the series that I started a while back on the subject of authority. This morning I almost, I almost moved on to another topic, but I felt in my spirit that I had to formally conclude the topic that I started on spiritual authority. What happens is that, as you know, other people's trips and preaching intervened and we had to suspend this topic for a few weeks, but I feel that we should close it in a formal way, so to speak, and then enter another topic as the Lord directs us.

Some of you who have recently come to church or who are visiting today, unfortunately you will not be able to have the amount of teaching that we have had in these last weeks on the subject, but I am going to do everything possible to give you a little bit of information. context at least, background so that you understand how this theme of spiritual authority fits.

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