Subjection to authority

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Numbers, Chapter 12, Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, their brother, who had been placed in authority over Israel by God. They questioned his authority and why he had taken a non-Israelite wife. God takes rebellion against authority seriously and blesses meekness and humility. God spoke directly to Moses and saw him as faithful in all His house. Miriam was instantly covered in leprosy as a result of her rebellion, and Moses interceded for her. The Bible emphasizes the importance of authority, including the authority of parents. The sermon stresses the need to submit to authority and live under it.

The universe and the spiritual world are governed by the principle of authority, and all sin and tragedy in the world are born of rebellion and disobedience. The physical world, including the planets and the human body, is governed by physical laws that are authoritative. The spiritual world, including angels and demons, is also governed by hierarchies and levels of authority. Rebellion against authority is exalted in modern culture, but submission to authority is necessary for a harmonious society and for the church to function properly. All evil in the world comes from acts of rebellion and disobedience, including the rebellion of Lucifer, the origins of Satan.

The sermon discusses the importance of submitting to authority, as rebellion and disobedience lead to corruption and harm in human life. Even imperfect authorities should be respected, and any issues should be addressed through dialogue and meekness. The sermon emphasizes the beauty of submission to authority and encourages the congregation to live according to God's principles.

Numbers, Chapter 12 and I want to speak so that you take the passage, the text that I want to interpret. I want to talk about authority, about life under authority, and this sermon is a continuation of last Sunday's sermon on obedience. You can actually see, you see the connection.

Many times one preaches things and half of the sermon remains, because one does not want to be excessive in what one is going to preach, but in reality this is a continuation of the message that I carried out last Sunday. So it is very tied to the concept of obedience and I title this message 'submission to authority'.

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