Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana
Por tanto, puesto que tenemos en derredor nuestro tan gran nube de testigos, despojémonos también de todo peso y del pecado que tan fácilmente nos envuelve, y corramos con paciencia (perseverancia) la carrera que tenemos por delante, (Hebrews 12:1)
puestos los ojos en Jesús, el autor y consumador de la fe, quien por el gozo puesto delante de El soportó la cruz, despreciando la vergüenza, y se ha sentado a la diestra del trono de Dios. (Hebrews 12:2)
Consideren, pues, a Aquél que soportó tal hostilidad de los pecadores contra El mismo, para que no se cansen ni se desanimen en su corazón. (Hebrews 12:3)
Porque todavía, en su lucha contra el pecado, ustedes no han resistido hasta el punto de derramar sangre.
Además, han olvidado la exhortación que como a hijos se les dirige: "HIJO MIO, NO TENGAS EN POCO LA DISCIPLINA DEL SEÑOR, NI TE DESANIMES AL SER REPRENDIDO POR EL. (Hebrews 12:5)
Es para su corrección (disciplina) que sufren (lo soportan). Dios los trata como a hijos; porque ¿qué hijo hay a quien su padre no discipline? (Hebrews 12:7)

Other publications related to "Hebrews 12:4":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The attitude of triumph (Part 5)
The importance of living a life by design rather than improvisation, setting goals and running the race of life patiently and persistently, focusing on the values of the Kingdom of God, and achieving success through a long-term vision.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Do not underestimate the discipline of the Lord
Trials and tribulations are a part of life, especially for Christians. This article discusses the importance of enduring Gods discipline and using difficult times to grow closer to Him and become more like Christ.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
When the test comes, don't be surprised
Learn how to face trials and difficulties in life with faith and trust in Gods love and faithfulness.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The blessing behind the test
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the blessing behind the test and how trials can result in blessings and growth if we trust in God and hold on to Him. He emphasizes the importance of having an expectation of victory in all tribulations and seeking joy in the midst of difficulties. The ultimate expert in suffering and trials is Jesus Christ.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Don't shy away from testing
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the positive role of trials and difficulties in the lives of Christians and emphasizes the importance of reflecting the character of Jesus through bearing fruit. He also encourages listeners to trust in Gods guidance and pruning.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The virtue of suffering
The pastor discusses the importance of understanding that trials, tribulations, and suffering are a normal part of the Christian experience and how they can help in our spiritual and emotional growth. He emphasizes the need to face pain and suffering head-on, rather than resigning oneself to it fatalistically. He cites various biblical passages to support his message and uses examples from his own life to illustrate his points.

Lilian Gutierrez
It's not how you started, it's how you end
Pastor Lilian Gutiérrez speaks about the importance of joy, perseverance, and running the race of faith in Christ Jesus, referencing Ecclesiastes and the spiritual war we face as Christians. She encourages the congregation to fight until the end and end in victory, praising God along the way.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Joyful in hope - long-suffering in tribulation (Romans 12:11) Part 7
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the concepts of being joyful in hope and long-suffering in tribulation as highlighted by the Apostle Paul in Romans 12:9-12. The article emphasizes the importance of love for God, emotional vitality, and the need to resist and endure in times of trouble. It also mentions the use of the full armor of God and the blessed hope of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Live life with purpose
The importance of living up to ones calling from God and aligning ones habits and practices with ones destiny.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
God blesses the one who endures the trial
Article about enduring trials and tests in the Bible and how to recognize them as coming from God.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Rejoice in the Lord always
In this sermon, the preacher discusses finding joy in the Lord, overcoming hardship, and keeping an even-tempered character. He reminds listeners to trust in Gods plan and bless the Lord, even in times of discomfort.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
How to overcome the pains of life
Learn how to overcome the pains of life through the example of the apostle Paul and his notes of victory and faith in the Lord despite his trials and difficulties. Discover how the tribulations we experience can make us stronger and produce an excellent and eternal weight of glory. Read about the joy, hope, happiness, and victory found in the Epistle to the Philippians, written by Paul in chained prison.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
My God is hope
A reflection on finding hope in Gods timing and putting our trust in His word.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The God who justifies us
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of patience in the sanctification process, using biblical examples to show that even those who love God can falter. He encourages readers to focus on pleasing God and following His Word.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Accolades from God
A Christian must live a legitimate and obedient life to receive the crown of life. We must trust in Gods power instead of worldly chemistry to achieve results. We must work hard and live a disciplined life to see spiritual fruits. God often tests us to decontaminate our hearts and minds. We should strive to be disciples, not just believers, and allow God to change our lives through his love.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
A life radically committed to the Kingdom of God
The article emphasizes the importance of being committed to the Kingdom of God, following Christs example, prioritizing holiness and character, surrendering hindrances to God, and serving only the Lord. It discusses the role of discipline in shaping us into the best version of ourselves and creating a Church that truly serves God.

Omar Soto
X-ray of the heart (part 2)
Speaker discusses the role of shame and guilt in Christian life and emphasizes the importance of approaching God confidently for restoration and living an abundant life.

Omar Soto
The Olympic spirit of the son of God
The article discusses the Olympic spirit and its relation to the life of a child of God. It emphasizes the importance of dedication, sacrifice, and running with purpose and direction towards the ultimate goal of an incorruptible prize. The article also draws inspiration from Philippians 3:12-14 and encourages readers to have humility, forget the past, and focus on Jesus in their daily lives.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The attitude of triumph (Part 7)
The author discusses the five elements that lead to success and emphasizes the importance of focusing on Jesus Christ as the center of one's life and having a positive mindset.

Do you have access to God?
The author discusses the book of Hebrews and how it relates to the struggle with sin and the need for a mediator between God and man. The passage encourages Christians to approach the throne of grace with confidence to receive mercy and find grace to help in times of need.

Hebrews 12:4 - Cross Reference

Porque yo ya estoy para ser derramado como una ofrenda de libación, y el tiempo de mi partida ha llegado. (2 Timothy 4:6)
No les ha sobrevenido ninguna tentación que no sea común a los hombres. Fiel es Dios, que no permitirá que ustedes sean tentados más allá de lo que pueden soportar, sino que con la tentación proveerá también la vía de escape, a fin de que puedan resistirla. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Pero recuerden los días pasados, cuando después de haber sido iluminados, ustedes soportaron una gran lucha de padecimientos. (Hebrews 10:32)
Yo sé dónde moras: donde está el trono de Satanás. Guardas fielmente Mi nombre y no has negado Mi fe, aun en los días de Antipas, Mi testigo, Mi siervo fiel, que fue muerto entre ustedes, donde mora Satanás. (Revelation 2:13)
Ellos lo vencieron por medio de la sangre del Cordero y por la palabra del testimonio de ellos, y no amaron sus vidas, llegando hasta sufrir la muerte. (Revelation 12:11)
Entonces los entregarán a tribulación, y los matarán, y serán odiados de todas las naciones por causa de mi nombre. (Matthew 24:9)
Y en ella fue hallada la sangre de los profetas, de los santos y de todos los que habían sido muertos sobre la tierra." (Revelation 18:24)
Vi a la mujer ebria de la sangre de los santos, y de la sangre de los testigos de Jesús. Al verla, me asombré grandemente. (Revelation 17:6)
puestos los ojos en Jesús, el autor y consumador de la fe, quien por el gozo puesto delante de El soportó la cruz, despreciando la vergüenza, y se ha sentado a la diestra del trono de Dios. (Hebrews 12:2)
Cuando el Cordero abrió el quinto sello, vi debajo del altar las almas de los que habían sido muertos a causa de la palabra de Dios y del testimonio que habían mantenido. (Revelation 6:9)