Accolades from God

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: Like a weightlifter who must compete according to the rules to win a medal, Christians must live a legitimate and obedient life to receive the crown of life. Sin is a burden that must be put off, and we must trust in God's power instead of worldly chemistry to achieve results. Like a farmer, we must work hard and live a disciplined life to see spiritual fruits. God often tests us to decontaminate our hearts and minds. We should strive to be disciples, not just believers, and allow God to change our lives through his love.

A few decades ago, an award-winning Cuban athlete in the sport of weightlifting, weights, was stripped of the most precious accolade to which a high-performance athlete can aspire. The news shocked the world of strongman sports and the former Soviet Union "recovered" then one of the few world titles snatched by a foreign weightlifter, in addition to Cuba, a country without a universal tradition in this sport. Despite the bitter protests of our Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation before the International Weightlifting Federation, the protest did not prosper and the sanction did not wait. The Gold Medal was taken from Daniel Núñez for having found in his blood, after an anti-doping test, stimulant chemical substances capable of altering the muscular and mental behavior of the athlete to obtain results above their real psychophysiological possibilities. Thus fell one of the idols of Cuban sport and for the first time, since the foundation of the aforementioned Institute, an athlete from the patio was disqualified for this reason and could never again represent Cuba in international matches. The country was embroiled in one of the scandals that it frequently criticized when it came to athletes from other nations.

These events often happen in the Christian life as well. Just as the athlete has to compete respecting the rules and requirements established to be able to obtain the title, our walk with Christ must be adorned with a legitimacy that is proof of all fire and anvil. We already know that being militants of the cross requires a life of obedience and total submission to the Holy Spirit; However, even knowing the consequences, we often become entangled in the affairs of life and risk the reward that a sober, godly and legitimate life brings in Christ. Although Paul does not detail to us in 2 Timothy the rules that the Christian has to keep to fight legitimately, it is clear to us that the believer has no alternative but to adhere to God's standards to be worthy of the medal, or what is the same. , the crown of life. Sin is an ever-heavy burden in the Christian career. Putting off sin and taking up the challenges of the ministry that has been entrusted to us is a key note to fight and win in the great championship of holiness. We cannot aspire to medals and awards by trusting in our human strength, but in the power of God. Nor do we allow the chemistry of the world to contaminate the blood of Christ. We do not need it to achieve spectacular results in the Christian life. His grace is enough.

So it is with the labrador. Like the athlete, the farmer to see the fruits of his work and enjoy them, must first work hard, prepare, suffer hardships (2 Tim 2: 3-6), live a genuinely Christian life, without hypocrisy and attached to the rules and precepts of God. We must lead a disciplined life as an athlete and work with dedication and patience to see and enjoy the spiritual fruits that the Lord will give us on the Christian pilgrimage. And above all, preserve the teachings of the Word without contamination. The Lord in his immense wisdom also frequently subjects us to the “drug test”, not to disqualify us, but to decontaminate our hearts, our minds and in this way present us approved and clean before the heavenly Father. The redeeming Christ wants disciples, not believers. The believer is said to wait for the loaves and fishes, while the disciple is a fisherman. It is not beautiful?

Brother and sister, be a farmer, be a disciple, be a fisherman. Let the Lord put you through his love test every day. God's anti-doping can radically change your life, it will heal you, it will make you run, without fear or anxiety, the Christian and legitimately necessary race towards eternity.

God bless you!

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