Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana
Pero todos nosotros, con el rostro descubierto, contemplando como en un espejo la gloria del Señor, estamos siendo transformados en la misma imagen de gloria en gloria, como por el Señor, el Espíritu. (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Por tanto, puesto que tenemos este ministerio, según hemos recibido misericordia, no desfallecemos. (2 Corinthians 4:1)
Más bien hemos renunciado a lo oculto y vergonzoso, no andando con astucia, ni adulterando la palabra de Dios, sino que, mediante la manifestación de la verdad, nos recomendamos a la conciencia de todo hombre en la presencia de Dios. (2 Corinthians 4:2)
Y si todavía nuestro evangelio está velado, para los que se pierden está velado,
en los cuales el dios de este mundo ha cegado el entendimiento (la mente) de los incrédulos, para que no vean el resplandor del evangelio de la gloria de Cristo, que es la imagen de Dios. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Porque no nos predicamos a nosotros mismos, sino a Cristo Jesús como Señor, y a nosotros como siervos de ustedes por amor de Jesús. (2 Corinthians 4:5)
Pues Dios, que dijo: "De las tinieblas resplandecerá la luz," es el que ha resplandecido en nuestros corazones, para iluminación del conocimiento de la gloria de Dios en el rostro de Cristo. (2 Corinthians 4:6)

Other publications related to "2 Corinthians 4:3":

Samuel Acevedo
Veils that prohibit us from seeing the glory of God
In this article, Samuel Acevedo discusses the relationship between veils and the glory of God, based on Second Corinthians Chapter 3 and the two covenants. The message emphasizes the importance of letting God work in ones life to remove veils and experience true freedom.

Charles Spurgeon
Let us seek the enlightenment of the Spirit
In this article, Charles Spurgeon discusses the importance of seeking the enlightenment of the Spirit to glorify Jesus and have vivid impressions of His person, work, and glory.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dwell in the light
As children of God, we are called to dwell in the light of God, living in truth, honesty, justice, and transparency.

Jasiel Fernandez
The greatest privilege - to reflect the glory of God
The speaker encourages listeners to assume their identity as children of God and reflect His glory in all aspects of their lives, even in the midst of trials and challenges.

Milagros García Klibansky
My god is light
In My god is light, Milagros García Klibansky discusses the importance of finding Gods light and allowing it to heal us.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Babies Dedication and Sermon July 29, 2007 : Can the light be seen in you?
In this sermon, the speaker emphasizes the importance of consecrating infants for the exclusive service of the Lord and recognizing the privilege of being born into families that know God. Believers are called to be a light in the world and share the truth of Christ with others, even if it clashes with the values of the world. We should not be afraid to stand firm in the truth of the Gospel and live a life that reflects the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the character of Jesus.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Is Jesus shining through you?
The speaker reflects on the importance of Christians being a light in the world and living out the call of the gospel, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach between good deeds and grace. He also encourages the church to have more self-esteem and be proud of its uniqueness.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
We have to drop everything to see the Glory of God
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of dropping everything to experience the glory of God and become humble servants surrendered to Jesus Christ.

Gregory Bishop
Reflecting the glory of God
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Omar Soto
Transfigured to serve
The speaker shares insights from Matthew 17 about the transfiguration of Jesus and how it relates to the manifestation of Gods glory in our lives. Emphasizing the importance of anointing and power for the restoration of relationships, the author challenges the church to seek a transfiguration experience that expands our light exponentially and allows God to work through us in all areas of life.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Gospel of light
Article about the importance of being a light in the world as a disciple of Jesus and spreading the message of the gospel to bring salvation.

Andrés Cisterna
Looking at ourselves in the mirror of the Lord
The speaker emphasizes the importance of looking in the mirror of the Lord and emulating the image of Jesus Christ for spiritual improvement and presenting ourselves in the best light. The article discusses the characteristics we need to improve and the spiritual habits required to achieve this goal.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
The mirror of the Gospel
The article discusses the importance of listening and obeying the Word of God as a mirror to reflect our spiritual growth and enrich our Christian life.

Omar Soto
X-ray of the heart (part 2)
Speaker discusses the role of shame and guilt in Christian life and emphasizes the importance of approaching God confidently for restoration and living an abundant life.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The gradual process of our transformation
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the process of transformation through the work of the Holy Spirit and the renewal of the mind.

Omar Soto
Make God's love known at the moment He gives you the opportunity
Encouragement to remember Jesus teachings and be salt and light to the world.

Gregory Bishop
Shine the glory of God
In this sermon, the speaker discusses the difference between making New Years resolutions and experiencing a revolutionary transformation in ones life through the power of the Holy Spirit. He emphasizes the importance of introspection and removing the veil that prevents us from seeing the glory of God. The speaker also discusses the concept of freedom and how it comes from having God as our ruler.

Samuel Acevedo
A treasure in clay vessels
In this sermon, the speaker discusses the concept of being clay vessels, or containers that hold the spirit of God and the importance of grace and an eternal perspective.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The renewal of our mind
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of renewing our minds and leaving behind mental habits that hinder our sanctification process. He emphasizes the need to let go of the past and strive towards our goal of knowing Christ. The Christian life is a journey of continual renewal and growth.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Classic Sermon #6050: The Renewing of the Mind
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda speaks about the importance of holiness and the renewal of the mind for Christians, emphasizing the need to let go of old ways and put on the new man in Christ Jesus.

2 Corinthians 4:3 - Cross Reference

Cuando llegué a Troas para predicar el evangelio de Cristo, y se me abrió una puerta en el Señor, (2 Corinthians 2:12)
La venida del impío será conforme a la actividad de Satanás, con todo poder y señales y prodigios mentirosos, (2 Thessalonians 2:9)
Pero el entendimiento de ellos se endureció. Porque hasta el día de hoy, en la lectura del antiguo pacto (testamento) el mismo velo permanece sin alzarse, pues sólo en Cristo es quitado. (2 Corinthians 3:14)
según el glorioso evangelio del Dios bendito, que me ha sido encomendado. (1 Timothy 1:11)
Porque la palabra de la cruz es necedad para los que se pierden, pero para nosotros los salvos es poder de Dios. (1 Corinthians 1:18)
Porque fragante aroma de Cristo somos para Dios entre los que se salvan y entre los que se pierden. (2 Corinthians 2:15)
en los cuales el dios de este mundo ha cegado el entendimiento (la mente) de los incrédulos, para que no vean el resplandor del evangelio de la gloria de Cristo, que es la imagen de Dios. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
porque nuestro evangelio no vino a ustedes solamente en palabras, sino también en poder y en el Espíritu Santo y con plena convicción; como saben qué clase de personas demostramos ser entre ustedes por el amor que les tenemos. (1 Thessalonians 1:5)
En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo: "Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, porque ocultaste estas cosas a sabios e inteligentes, y las revelaste a los niños. (Matthew 11:25)
el día en que, según mi evangelio, Dios juzgará los secretos de los hombres mediante Cristo Jesús. (Romans 2:16)