Let us seek the enlightenment of the Spirit

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus by showing us the things of Christ himself. Jesus is the best recommendation and there is no other way to adorn it except with His own gold. The Spirit opens our minds and the Scriptures to reveal our Lord to us, and this is a great privilege known to those who have experienced the beatific vision. We should seek the illumination of the Spirit to glorify Jesus, and have vivid impressions of His person, work, and glory. Wherever there is a heart enriched by the teaching of the Holy Spirit, there will be a glorified Savior beyond all expression.

The same Holy Spirit cannot glorify the Lord Jesus in a better way than by showing us the things of Christ himself. Jesus is His very best recommendation. There is no other way to adorn it except with His own gold.

The comforter shows us what he has received from our Lord Jesus. We never see anything clearly if He doesn't reveal it to us. He has a way of opening our minds, and of opening the Scriptures, and through this double process reveals our Lord to us. There is great art involved in exposing a matter, and that art belongs in the highest degree to the Spirit of truth. He shows us the essence of things. This is a great privilege, known to those who have experienced the beatific vision.

Let us seek the illumination of the Spirit, not to gratify our curiosity, and not even to bring us personal comfort, but to glorify the Lord Jesus. Oh that we had ideas worthy of Him! Creeping concepts dishonor our precious Lord. Oh that we had such vivid impressions of His person, and work, and glory, that we could cry out with heart and soul to praise Him! Wherever there is a heart enriched by the teaching of the Holy Spirit, there will be a glorified Savior beyond all expression. Come Holy Spirit, heavenly light, and show us Jesus our Lord.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.


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