Know your identity and live according to it

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The church is called to strengthen and redouble its evangelistic efforts. The pastor is preaching a series of sermons to inform and educate the congregation about the evangelistic call, reflect on the biblical and theological content, and create a sense of urgency and commitment in the hearts of the members. The church wants to invest its energies in becoming an evangelistic organism, and bring many souls to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The pastor uses different biblical images such as salt, light, mustard seed, and leaven to illustrate the nature and function of the church. The church needs to act on its identity and live genuinely and authentically as what God has called it to be.

The speaker talks about how yeast is used to make bread and how it expands and grows, and compares it to the nature of the church and its identity to expand and exert influence. The church is supposed to be dynamic and constantly growing, and its members are born again with a new identity and endowment of power. The speaker believes that if the church dedicates itself to evangelizing and expanding, it can have a transformative impact. The church is also compared to salt, which preserves and blesses society, and the speaker notes how their church's presence has positively impacted their neighborhood.

The pastor speaks about the power of God and how he has transformed the neighborhood where the church is located. He encourages the congregation to believe in their power as children of God and to conquer their surroundings. He references the story of the Israelites entering the promised land and how some had a negative attitude while others believed in God's power to conquer. He urges the congregation to adopt a conquest mentality and to be a light and influence in their neighborhoods. He ends the sermon with a prayer, asking for the congregation's identity to be changed and for them to prosper in the name of Jesus.

Our church is called to strengthen and redouble its evangelistic efforts, I am preaching a series of sermons intended to, first, inform and educate us about the evangelistic call. Second, lead us to reflect on the biblical and theological content that exists about why we have to evangelize. Third, create a sense of urgency and commitment in the heart of each member of the Lion of Judah congregation, including their pastor as well, create a sense of urgency and also enthusiasm about the evangelistic call.

And that will be part of a whole series of interventions. A brother approached me last Sunday at the 12 o'clock service and said, "Pastor, it's great that we make people aware of the evangelistic call but they also need instruction and teaching," and I said, "Sure. that yes, brother, that is also in the program.” We are also going to be teaching and training about evangelism and we are going to be evangelizing as well, so you hear about the services that we are gearing toward evangelistic.

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