The willingness to be a humble servant of the heavenly Father

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In John 17:7-10, Jesus tells a parable about a servant who has no rights and is completely subject to the will of his master. The word used for servant in Greek is "doulos" which means slave. Jesus is inviting us to understand that we are like slaves to God, completely surrendered and subject to His will. When we have this disposition, many things become possible and our dignity paradoxically depends on being humble servants of God. This is essential for a fruitful, powerful, and lasting ministry that pleases the Father.

What should be our attitude and what should be the way in which we relate to God from day to day? What should be that self-image that we have when we relate to the Father, when we develop our life of service to the Lord, and when we do all the things we do within the Kingdom of God?

In the next meditations I want to use a text as a starting point, it is found in the Gospel according to Saint John in chapter 17, beginning with verse 7 to verse 10, a well-known parable of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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