Live according to your true identity
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
In Second Timothy 1:3-7, the Apostle Paul expresses his affection and admiration for Timothy, reminding him of his spiritual lineage from his mother and grandmother who were women of faith. Paul advises Timothy to fan the fire of the gift of God in him and reminds him that God has given him power, love, and self-control. This passage teaches us about our identity in Christ, what we have received from Him, and how we should act in light of our identity. We should honor the legacy and influence of our spiritual ancestors and mentors, and react appropriately by imitating their good behavior and expressing value to them. As royal lineage, we should act differently from the rest of the world and not let our emotions or thoughts rule our lives.
The devil wants to frighten us and whisper warnings of disaster, but we must rebuke him in the name of Jesus and continue to serve the Lord without letting fear stop us. We must live like servants of God and remember our identity in Him. We all have gifts that God has given us, and we must work to develop them and bring them to full manifestation. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but rather a spirit of power, love, and self-control. We must embrace this identity and use the power God has given us to overcome challenges and difficulties in life.
God has given us a spirit of power, love, and self-control. The power allows us to overcome challenges, and the love balances the power. The self-control is a clear and lucid mind that thinks accurately and logically. It is important to have a healthy evaluation of ourselves and serve according to the gifts God has given us. León de Judá will be a church of power, love, healthy and thinking minds, knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, good administration, and good government.
León de Judá will be a church that blesses its community with spiritual authority, love, good works, generosity, and intelligence. The church will have good systems, maintenance, employees, leadership, and cleanliness. The speaker declares genetics in the name of Jesus in the church and asks the listeners to receive the promise of the Father and honor God with their walk. The call of God is to have life in abundance and to adorn the earth with good deeds and a good legacy.Second Timothy: 1, 3 to 7. The Apostle Paul is speaking and writing to his disciple, his mentee, his follower Timothy, a young pastor, church planter, a bishop who went to different churches that Paul had planted, discipling , establishing government and shepherds, etc. This man had a great responsibility and was a relatively young person for his time. And so, Paul writes this to him and we too can receive what Paul says to Timothy.
Paul says, “I thank God,” he begins with words of commendation and blessing on Timothy. "... whom I have served from my elders with a clear conscience that I constantly remember you in my prayers night and day..." Do you see how affectionate the Apostle is in writing to Timothy like this? "… wishing to see you." There you can see the humanity of the Apostle Paul. There was a man there pulsing within the inspired words of God. “I want to see you, Timoteo. I need you." "… wishing to see you. Remembering your tears,” perhaps at some point while Timothy was talking about the churches they were planting, the brothers who were suffering, whatever, Timothy would cry a little, perhaps simply in a time of worship, moved Timothy to tears. .