There are good works prepared for you

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the speaker discusses how Christians are called to be a supernatural people and inhabit the spiritual environment around them. He uses the example of the Book of Ephesians, which was written for people who lived in a city full of spiritism and idolatry. Through Christ, believers have the right to move in the spiritual environment and have spiritual power. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding where we came from before we met Christ, as we were dead in our sins and deserving of punishment. However, by God's grace, we have been saved through faith and are now diamonds of His grace.

The world is polluted with sin and influenced by the prince of this world, the devil. We are all born as children of wrath and deserve punishment for our sins. However, God's grace and love for us is greater than our sins and He gave us life and raised us up through Christ. We are now seated with Christ in heavenly places and have spiritual authority to fight against the enemy. Our feelings do not define our reality, but rather the truth of God's Word.

Our feelings are not our reality, but rather our reality is what God says. We are already seated with Christ and our mind and emotions must adjust to this reality. We are diamonds of grace, transformed by God to reflect His goodness and glory. We are His handiwork, His poems, created for good works that only we can do. We are a supernatural people, successful in God's love and grace, and should live life with gratitude and thanks.

I invite you to open your bibles in the Book of Ephesians chapter 2, and as you know we are reflecting on this Book on Wednesday nights in the cults and I have also felt the Lord point out this Book to me, and I believe that this Book speaks much of the call that we Christians have to be a supernatural people. We are a natural people who have bodies and lives and jobs and everything natural, but perhaps the world does not know that for the believer we also have another identity, another citizenship, another reality in which we move, which is the spiritual environment around us. we, another parallel universe, an invisible spiritual dimension as real as what we touch here with our hands.

That environment is full of another life, right? as if it were the sea and we see the surface of the water, but under the water there is a whole universe; There are corals of all colors, there are beautiful yellow and orange fish, there are also sharks that bite and these ugly ones deep there, and whales, “whales”? (laughs), there are big fish that swallow, bad prophets, there is everything, right? another universe, and so it is for the believer. We know that there is another universe parallel to us, a spiritual universe and we as believers are called to also inhabit that spiritual universe.

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