The temptation of success

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The letter to the church in Sardis warns against the danger of being satisfied with human success and settling for it, instead of seeking more of God's spirit. The church had a reputation for being alive, but Jesus sees that they are dead inside. The devil uses the temptation of success to neutralize the power of the church. The letter reminds the church to be vigilant, repent, and remember what they had received and heard. The 7 spirits of God are always available for the church, but they must want it. Conformity and complacency kill, and the church must keep moving forward with God's call.

The speaker reminds the congregation of León de Judá that there is still more for the church to achieve. He urges them to recover their hunger for God and to stay awake, as time is short before the Lord's return. He emphasizes that each member of the church is called to be a priest, serving in the glory of God, and to keep their uniform clean. The speaker invites those who have not yet accepted Christ to do so, and they close with the sacrament.

The speaker invites everyone to close their eyes and accept Christ as their Lord and savior. They pray for a cleansing and renewal of the church and ask for a hunger for justice. They ask for God's presence at the table.

Revelation 3, we are reading the letters of Jesus to the churches. Jesus, to begin the book of Revelation, wanted to give a message to all the churches until he came, a message of encouragement and also a warning, because God knew that the enemy was going to try all possible tricks to neutralize the church of Jesus Christ. And for this reason there are 7 letters to churches elucidating the strategies of the devil, teaching the church how to be a winning church. Let's say this together, victor, in the name of Jesus the Lord wants us to be a victorious church.

We have already read about the strategies that the devil uses to remove the power of the church of Jesus Christ. It can be false teaching, the devil sends Apostles, super Apostles with false teaching and if people believe it they can lose the Gospel and be ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of all.

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