A Simple Life (Romans 12:1) - Part 2

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In Romans 12:1, Paul calls for believers to present their bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord, meaning to consecrate themselves completely to God for His exclusive use. This includes surrendering the rebellious flesh and all aspects of one's being to God's control. Paul emphasizes that presenting one's body is not just symbolic but is a spiritual act of worship that pleases God. True worship is not just about attending church or performing religious rituals, but about having a consistent and surrendered life to God. Pleasing God is simple and requires a sincere and honest heart.

God is a simple God and pleasing Him is not complicated. He desires a heart delivered to Him, a mind given to Him, and a body that lives for Him. True worship is consistent worship that unites the ritual with the experience, the body with the spirit, and the mouth with the mind. To transform oneself, one must renew their mind every day by submitting it to positive stimuli and biblical thoughts. Humility is an important attitude that Christians must have, as spiritual pride and arrogance can prevent one from enjoying God and cause problems in their life.

The speaker discusses the importance of thinking of oneself in a sane, balanced way and not having an exaggerated sense of one's own worth. He emphasizes the need to ask God to help us see ourselves objectively, acknowledging our virtues and faults. He also highlights the importance of understanding that we are all part of a body, with each person having something valuable to contribute. The speaker encourages humility, admitting mistakes and seeking to improve, which will lead to a more blessed life. The message concludes with a prayer for God's presence and blessing.

A simple life

In this series based on Romans 12, Dr. Miranda emphasizes that God calls us to transform rather than adapt to today's culture. If we take God seriously, He will take us seriously and we will see great changes in our lives.

1 A simple life (Romans 12:1)

2 A Simple Life (Romans 12:1) - Part 2

3 A Simple Life (Romans 12:1) Part 3

4 A Simple Life (Romans 12:1) Part 4

5 Romans 12 (Part 5)

6 Romans 12 (Part 6)

7 Joyful in hope - long-suffering in tribulation (Romans 12:11) Part 7

8 Romans 12 (Part 8)

Paul is saying, brothers I beg you, this is the general call that he will explain later with more specific calls about different aspects of life that are the verses that follow. What is this to present the bodies, the living sacrifice to the Lord. Obviously this does not mean that you make a pyre, that you take wood and light it and throw yourself into the fire. That is not what the Apostle Paul means, he is talking about something symbolic, something more of a spiritual nature, clearly referring to the sacrifices that the Hebrews brought to the altar to be burned as a holocaust and as an offering and consecrated to the Lord. That life that had been sacrificed symbolically ascended to God in the fire, because it ascended towards heaven. That animal had been completely surrendered, consecrated, set apart for a single purpose, it was to bring honor to the God who received them at that moment.

So Paul is making a reminder of that by saying now brothers I ask that you not necessarily bring a lamb to the altar when you go to the temple but go yourselves. Present yourselves, instead of the lamb, place yourself at the altar table and present yourself before God.

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