A Simple Life (Romans 12:1) Part 4

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the speaker discusses the importance of having a humble and grateful attitude when serving the Lord with our gifts and talents. We should not have a higher opinion of ourselves than we should and should accept ourselves as we are. Our abilities are gifts from God and we should discharge them with humility and in subjection to the Holy Spirit. Additionally, we should perform our gifts in the context of a community, as part of a whole, without seeking our own glory. The speaker emphasizes the importance of humility, meekness, and the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our work for the Kingdom of God.

What protects our ministry is the fruit of the holy spirit and the character of Jesus Christ. Prophecy is not just predicting the future, but declaring a truth from God for a specific moment. We should live in the spirit of prophecy and obey God's impulses. Serving is the essence of Christian leadership and we should serve in small things to be promoted to greater things. Teaching is important and we should have a desire to learn and study the word of God. We should serve with humility, meekness, and gratitude, with a sense of service to others and not ourselves. This is simplicity in service.

Let's serve the Lord with simplicity and humility of heart in all aspects of our lives. Whether it's at home, work, with family or in the church, serving with love and humility will bring blessings from God. Let's not do things to please others, but to please God. Let's pray for a simple and humble heart.

I am preaching for our visitors a series of sermons, based on Romans, Chapter 12, we call them horizontal, sermons that have to do with the daily life of the believer, both in the context of the church and also in the context of general life. Last Sunday we were talking about serving the Lord with that gracious attitude and getting to know each other better. Today I'm going to do a quick summary. Let's go to verse 3:

"I say then, by the grace that is given to me, to each one who is among you that he should not have a higher opinion of himself than he should have, but think of yourself with sanity, according to the measure of faith that God distributed to each one. Because in the way that in a body we have many members but not all the members have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ and all members one of another. So that having different gifts according to the grace that is given to us, if that of prophecy, use it according to the measure of faith; or if of service, in serving; or the one who teaches, in teaching; he who exhorts, in exhortation; the one who distributes, with liberality, the one who presides, with solicitude; he who shows mercy, with joy.”

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