We are children of eternity, children of life
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Spanish)
The question this passage raises for us is: what is death and what is life when we look at it through the lens of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ? This passage encourages me to think that for the children of God there is no death after all. For the children of God if we die in Him what we have rather is a temporary dream, light, superficial and not the resounding, unappealable character that the dead has for those who do not have the Lord in their lives.
For Lazarus, who is in the Lord's plans, is under the benevolent and powerful gaze of the Lord, that death is purely a light sleep. And that is why the Lord speaks in terms that "our friend Lazarus sleeps. But the disciples do not understand the symbolic and profound language of Jesus Christ and they say: ah well if he is sleeping well how good, surely the miracle will be easy then, Surely he is going to heal because he is sleeping, he is resting, right? It seems good for him because he is sleeping, he is resting.