The rest of the Lord

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The message is about the invitation to rest in the presence of God, which is often denied by people. The people of Israel, who God brought out of slavery in Egypt, fell under God's judgment and wandered in the desert for forty years due to their rebellion and sin. However, God continues to speak and invites people to rest in Him. The presence of God brings rest, and rest is from God. Christians can have a life of inner rest, but they often live with the opposite. Jesus is never in a hurry, and the eagerness and restlessness come from the other side. To rest, one has to be humble. There is rest that is sinful and lowers the guard for Satan. The message is supported by Bible verses from Psalms, Isaiah, Deuteronomy, and 2 Samuel.

Rest is important, but there is rest that is not of God and can even leave us vulnerable to temptation. Examples in the Bible include David, who took a vacation when he should have been fighting the battles of the Lord and ended up falling into sin. False rest lowers our guard for Satan, while spiritual rest brings us closer to God. Impediments to spiritual rest include being too busy building our own houses instead of letting God build them, working for God with pride, and not being connected to the true vine of Jesus. Resting does not mean being passive, but rather being connected to God and serving Him.

The speaker discusses the importance of finding spiritual rest and peace in God. He mentions that many burdens we carry are not from God, but from ourselves or Satan. He encourages forgiveness, contentment with what God has given, and humility as ways to find rest. He also shares verses from Psalms and encourages listeners to pray and repent in order to find rest in God.

Let's go to Psalm 95. This is the first text that God gave me in preparing this message so we're going to start there. So when God speaks, you have to listen. Psalm 95, we're going to start in verse 7 at the end: “For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand. If you hear his voice today, do not harden your hearts. As in Meriva, as in the day of Massa, in the desert where your parents tempted me. They tested me and saw my works. For forty years I was disgusted with the nation and I said 'People are lazy at heart. And they have not known my ways. Therefore I swore in my anger that they would not enter my rest.

The final word is the first word that I would like to speak: 'rest of the Lord', an invitation to rest in the presence of God. The people of Israel, God had brought them out of slavery in Egypt, had good purposes for them, promised them rest in the promised land. Blessed homes, a peaceful life but they did not want it because of rebellion, because of sin, they fell under God's judgment and wandered in the desert for forty years.

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