Word of eternal life

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The Word of God should not be used superficially, but seasoned with the knowledge of God's attributes revealed through Christ. We should not fear the Word, but see it as a refreshing spring that exhorts, corrects, and calls us to obedience and discipline. As we know God more, we will love and need his Word more. We must trust and obey his Word, knowing that he arranges all things for our good. Christ loved the Word and was obedient to it until death. Being captivated by the Word is being sweetly imprisoned in the heart of God.

The Word of God is the spiritual food par excellence. When we use the Word superficially in any circumstance, and do not take into account the attributes of God that reveal his fatherly heart, it can make us see to others as the typical modern Pharisees who make theological discourse a blah, blah, blah unable to touch souls and minister to them.

The Word that we use in our spiritual journeys must be seasoned with the knowledge of a God who has revealed himself to humanity in a special way through his Son Christ. We must know the moral attributes of God, his faithfulness, his holiness, his immense love. The first time they told me: Be careful, God is good, but he is also a consuming fire, I felt like I was dying. The fear of God suddenly turned to terror. The Word of God should be like a spring that refreshes our soul, we should not feel it as if it came from a tyrant God who from on high demands that we follow rules and regulations and who condemns us when we do things wrong. We must know as Christians that there is no longer condemnation in those of us who have known Christ and recognized him as the sovereign Lord of our lives. To get hold of the Word of God, we must first know God.

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