Be doers of the word and not just hearers

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: In this passage from James 1, the emphasis is on being a doer of the word of God rather than just a hearer. We must not only receive the implanted word with meekness but also put it into practice in our daily lives. Living according to the principles of the Lord is the norm and goal for a child of God, but we will always be struggling with sin. The key is to constantly aspire to holiness, confess our sins to the Lord, and strive to live a life that pleases Him. This requires a crisis decision to change and commit to living a life that honors the Lord. We must be practitioners of the word of God and not just listeners.

Sermon series on James

Dr. Miranda emphasizes that we need to honor God's word not only in our thoughts but also with our deeds.

1 The blessing behind the test

2 Don't shy away from testing

3 Know yourself

4 The God of details

5 Throw away to receive

6 Cast away all filth and all remnants of malice

7 Be doers of the word and not just hearers

We are in the epistle of the Apostle Santiago, chapter 1, and you will remember this trajectory that we have been following. In verse 18 we are told about the importance of the word of God, the word of truth. As a consequence of that important word of God, we have to have a certain behavior, pay close attention to that word, to see how important it is.

And when we read it we always have to be careful to treat it with a lot of reverence because it says that this word can save our souls. And we have to strip ourselves, he says, of all filth, of all abundance of malice.

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