Simple christianity

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In the book of James, there is a section called 'Doers of the Word' which focuses on the practical aspects of the Christian life. The Gospel is not just about words, but about actions and obedience to God's word. We must not just hear the word, but treasure it and incorporate it into our lives. We must persevere in living according to God's commandments, even when faced with tests and difficulties. When we honor God and align our lives with His word, we will be blessed and everything we touch will prosper. The tongue is a symbol of spirituality and how we speak and express ourselves is a good indication of our level of maturity, self-control, discernment, and mercy.

The way we use our mouths is closely linked to our level of maturity, self-control, discernment, and mercy. It is important to ask the Lord for wisdom in how we use our mouths in all aspects of life, including marriage, relationships, and friendships. We should strive to make our words gentle, loving, and uplifting, and to avoid speaking words that can hurt others. This requires self-control and the ability to observe ourselves while we speak. James emphasizes the importance of simple Christianity, which involves doing justice, loving mercy, and being humble before God. It is important to visit orphans and widows, do good to others, and strive for holiness. Through these actions, we demonstrate that God is working in our hearts and that we have a generous, merciful, and compassionate spirit. We should repent and confess any mistakes we have made with our words and ask for God's help to be better.

In my Bible there is a section in the book of James entitled 'Doers of the word' and that is what we have been working on in these last few weeks: obedience, holiness, the Christian life as something practical. It does not only consist of words, the Apostle Paul says that the Gospel does not consist of words but in deeds, in works, in actions.

We have talked about holiness, we have talked about valuing the word of God, which is what acts in us, implanting itself in us, changes us, transforms us. We have talked about not being mere hearers but doers of the word, because if we are mere hearers and do not treasure the word and meditate on it and incorporate it into our lives, we are deceiving ourselves. We are coming to church but it is useless, we are not fooling God, we are not fooling the devil and then we are simply fooling ourselves.

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