A successful person rules his tongue

Mercedes López-Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The power of the tongue is emphasized in Proverbs 18:21, which states that "death and life are in the power of the tongue." Words can either build or destroy, promote encouragement or discourage, infuse life or extinguish it. Words of criticism, epithets, jokes at someone's expense, mockery, gossip, slander, sarcasm, and bad language are all types of destructive words that bring death. Instead, we should use words that are uplifting, bring glory and honor to the Lord, and meet a specific need. These words of life give truth, comfort, hope, appreciation, affirmation, gratitude, a new perspective, exhortation, inspiration, and enliven dreams. As children of God, we should be prepared to give freely words of life to everyone who needs them, spreading the good news of the Gospel.

The use of our words is a gift from God and we have a responsibility to use them wisely, especially in relationships. We must use words of life and avoid returning hurtful words, even when we have been offended. The principle of sowing and reaping applies to our words, so we should sow generously with words of praise and affirmation. We are accountable for every word we speak and the command of the tongue is the mark of a true Christian. We cannot be inconsistent with our use of words and must strive to use them for good in all our relationships.

The use of the tongue is an essential part of our witness as Christians. Our words are directly linked to the condition of our hearts, and we must have qualities such as a secure, loving, positive, visionary, sensitive, discerning, intentional, and wise heart in order to give words of life. We should be intentional about giving words of life and be rooted in the knowledge of the word. Our conversations everywhere have to be conversations where purity and the truth of God reign, and that are edifying words.

The speaker shares her favorite verse from Isaiah 50:4, which gives her confidence that God will give her the words she needs to counsel others. She emphasizes the importance of being positive, intentional, and wise in our words, as it not only benefits others but also ourselves. She encourages listeners to use the gift of giving words of life to bless those around them, and promises that it is a gift that can be used throughout one's life. She ends with a prayer for guidance in using our words to build up others and to be responsible for them before God.

Congratulations to the fathers of our church. You are essential and when I arrive at the church and see a group of men like this, delivered to the Lord, whose reason for being is to worship the Lord, that fills me with security and joy, because I know that God is working. And I urge you men to do the same in your home as bearers of words of blessing, to do the work that God has entrusted to you, not to be afraid to do it biblically, to be a person who blesses your home in every way, his community, his church. You are important, not just important, essential, and there is no one who can replace you. So do your work as for the Lord, because it is for the Lord that you do it.

And I also want to encourage you parents, who have children far away, who do not live with you for different reasons: because there has been a divorce, because you are here and your children are elsewhere , to maintain contact with them; be it by letter, by phone, to support them financially.

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