What does the Holy Spirit do (part 1)?
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
In Philippians 1:9, the Apostle Paul asks for the believers' love to abound in knowledge and discernment to approve what is excellent. In John 14:15, Jesus says that those who love Him will keep His commandments, and He will ask the Father to send another helper, the Holy Spirit, to be with them forever. The Holy Spirit is the key to living a life that pleases the Lord and bearing fruits of justice. It is important to activate the power of the Holy Spirit and have a personal encounter with Him. A church filled with the Holy Spirit is like a war tank that conquers and transforms lives.
The Holy Spirit is a crucial component of a victorious Christian life. It instructs believers, teaches them about Jesus Christ, and reminds them of the Gospel. Without the Holy Spirit, believers may feel stagnant or anemic in their faith. Jesus Christ promised to send the Holy Spirit to his disciples, and the Holy Spirit is available to all believers today. To prosper in the things of God, it is important to invite the Holy Spirit into our lives and continuously call on him to work in us. The ministry and anointing of the Holy Spirit enable believers to do the works of God on earth.
In the Gospel according to Saint Luke, John the Baptist announces the coming of the Messiah and links his ministry to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is then baptized and the Holy Spirit descends upon him, filling him with power and sealing him as the Messiah. Before beginning his public ministry, Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert to confront the devil and show his superiority. The Holy Spirit guides and directs Christians in their lives and ministries, leading them to specific blessings and opportunities. Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit waste less time and energy, make fewer mistakes, and are more economical in their movements. It is important for Christians to constantly seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit in their lives to have power and effectiveness in their ministries.
The speaker talks about the importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian. He uses examples from the Bible, such as Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit before beginning his ministry, and encourages the audience to seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit in their own lives. He invites people to come forward and pray for the Holy Spirit to fill them with his presence and power. The speaker emphasizes the need for a continual seeking of the Holy Spirit and encourages people to make room in their lives to cultivate a relationship with him.
Imagine the spirit of God entering your life right now. I activate the power of God in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ. Invite the Holy Spirit into your life and expect new experiences. Continuously seek the Lord's presence and renewal. Thank you, Father, for pouring out your anointing on us.In Philippians chapter 1, verse 9 the word of the Lord says: "...the Apostle Paul calls the believers of the church of Philippi and says: "...And I pray that your love may abound even more and more in science and in all knowledge …”. Look at that, the Apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, asks that the love of the brothers in the church of Philippi, the city of Philippi, may abound and grow more and more in science and in all knowledge.
And it is important that we understand that the love that characterizes Christians, the noble values that characterize believers have to be nuanced and strengthened, strengthened with knowledge.