Our true life of worshiping the Lord is our conduct

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In Romans 12:1, Paul urges Christians to present their bodies as living sacrifices to God, sanctifying themselves and dedicating themselves to serving and pleasing God. The word "sanctify" means to set aside for a single purpose, so Christians must consecrate themselves to serving God and not the world. This is the only way to truly please God and constitutes true worship. The Greek word "logiken" used in the phrase "your rational worship" means something that is reasonable and spiritual, involving both reason and spirituality. Therefore, living a holy life that continuously sanctifies oneself is the true and logical worship of God. True worshipers are those who consecrate themselves to the Lord and commit to living a life that is pleasing to Him every day.

The Christian is always presenting himself before God by dying a little more, being crucified as Christ was crucified, being offered as a sacrifice before the Father and being consumed. Every day we are shedding our sinful nature so that the Body of Christ can become more real in us.

So Paul says, "Let's present our bodies as a living, holy sacrifice" because after that, we are taking our body and sanctifying it. The word sanctify means to set aside, to consecrate, to dedicate something to a single purpose. So every day what we do is we die a little more and we sanctify ourselves a little more, we consecrate ourselves to a single purpose and that is to please God, to serve God, we no longer serve the world. Our only reason to exist.

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