Do not hold on to anything (1 Timothy 6:6)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: The passage from 1 Timothy 6 provides a prescription for how to positively relate to money and riches. The apostle Paul writes about how our attitude towards wealth, money, and possessions should be. The idea of stewardship is important, as everything belongs to God. The passage emphasizes the importance of contentment, recognizing God as the origin and owner of our possessions, dedicating time to the things of God, and giving a part of our money to the work of the Lord. We should not let our sense of identity and personal value be tied to material possessions. The person who loves God recognizes that they have lost themselves in God and that everything is now one single thing.

The speaker encourages listeners to prioritize God above all things and to be generous with others. They emphasize the importance of living in God and allowing him to guide the flow of possessions. The speaker also urges listeners to prioritize spiritual things and to be willing to part with possessions for noble causes, especially to advance the Kingdom of God. Happiness is found in giving to God and others, and God will bless those who are generous. The less we have, the more we are in God's eyes. The speaker invites listeners to commit to serving and loving God above all things.

I said that I was going to continue thoughts that I could not conclude last Sunday in this study that we are doing about the rich fool.

Beginning with verse 6. “But great gain is godliness accompanied by contentment because we have brought nothing into this world and certainly nothing we can take out. So, having sustenance and shelter, let us be content with this because those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and harmful greeds that plunge men into destruction and perdition. Because the root of all evils is the love of money, which by coveting some lost faith and was transferred with many pains.”

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