Don't worry about anything

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Luke 12:22-34, Jesus tells his disciples not to worry about their life, what they will eat or wear, because life is more than material things. He encourages them to observe nature and see how God takes care of the smallest things, like the ravens and the lilies. If God takes care of these things, how much more will He take care of His people. Anxiety and fear come from our survival instinct, but knowing Christ does not prevent us from being prey to anxiety. We have to go to the mind, guided by the Spirit, to understand how to defend ourselves against anxiety. God is more committed than ever to His people in Christ Jesus, and He is a provider God who cares for His children.

The speaker shares a personal story about how his mother's conversion to Christianity brought blessings and provision to their family. He encourages listeners to live like children of a king and trust in God's provision and care. He also emphasizes that God not only creates but also maintains his creation, and sometimes takes a more complicated path to bless his people. He advises listeners to wait patiently for God's solutions and to entrust their problems to Him. The speaker shares his own strategy for dealing with anxiety, which involves taking his eyes off the problem and focusing on God's promises, worshiping, and finding a refuge in prayer. He reminds listeners that they are not condemned to be slaves to anxiety and that there are ways to take control and find peace.

The author discusses ways to deal with anxiety, such as focusing on God's promises and positive things, controlling what you consume (positive entertainment, news diet), confessing positive things, and giving up control to God for things outside of your control (such as the pandemic). The author also shares their personal decision to get vaccinated and encourages others to make their own decisions while trusting in God's protection.

Divine control is important to focus on. There are things we can control and things we can't, and we should know when to give up control to the Lord. The pandemic is an example of something beyond our control. People who want to be in control of life are prone to anxiety. We must learn to live humbly and trust in God's plans. We should enjoy life and not worry about what we cannot control. The person who can make a change in the world is the person who has given up control and learned to conform to God's plans. We should surrender our burdens to the Lord and trust in Him. God is kinder than we can imagine and has a safety net for us.

The speaker encourages people to worship and surrender to God in their own way. They express gratitude for God's protection and safety net. The speaker prays for the community to receive peace, joy, provision, forgiveness, and eternal life through Jesus Christ. They declare the audience to be property of the Kingdom of God under the seal of Christ's blood. The speaker encourages people to celebrate their status as children of God.

Luke, chapter 12, and we're going to read from verses 22 to 34. Luke 12:22 onwards. Excuse me, Maria, I forgot to pass the... I don't know if you already had them because of Marlene who had them at 9. God calls us not to worry about anything. Tell your brother, don't worry about anything. Tell someone or turn to someone. Easier said than done, say the Americans, easier said than done, but God has a call to us so that we are not anxious. The Apostle Paul also says, "Be anxious for nothing." And I want to think about that this morning. The Lord Jesus Christ says to us, "He said to his disciples, therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, not about the body, what you will wear, life is more than food and the body is more than the body." dress. Consider the crows…” – he is saying, think about the crows, observe, look at the crows. There is nothing less attractive than a raven, brothers, that is the truth. But he says, “Look at the crows that neither sow nor reap, they don't even have a pantry to store their food, they don't have a barn, and God feeds them. Are you not worth much more than birds?"

That is true, if the Lord attends to those beings as unattractive as crows, why not to us who are infinitely more valuable and attractive than them. “And which of you by toiling can add one cubit to his stature? – that's 18 inches - Who will be able to do it? Then, if you can't even do the least, why do you worry about the rest? and the Lord Jesus Christ adds another way of looking at this, He says, "Look at the lilies how they grow, they do not work, nor do they spin, but I tell you that not even Solomon - the richest man that has ever existed - with all his glory dressed as one of them. And so God clothes the grass that today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more to you, men and women of little faith. That is a slight rebuke from the Lord, very loving to us. "You, then, do not worry about what you will eat or what you will drink, nor be anxious because all these things are sought by the people of the world, - that is, those who do not know the Lord, those who do not know the word of God. They worry about all these things. "But your Father knows that you have need of these things." And what is the conclusion of all this? “More seek the Kingdom of God…,” another passage says first the Kingdom of God, and adds elsewhere, and his justice. "More seek the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you." Amen.

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