Why do you despair?

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus asks why we are afraid in times of trouble. The recent terrorist attack in Boston is an example of how fear and panic can paralyze a city. However, we cannot live in fear and allow evil to dictate our lives. Instead, we should trust in God's sovereignty and seek His peace. In the story of Jesus calming the storm, the disciples were in a boat with Jesus when a great storm arose. Despite Jesus being with them and telling them they would reach the other side, they still faced a storm. This teaches us that trials and tests will come, but we must trust in God's provision and plan. The disciples' experience has inspired art, poetry, and music, demonstrating that God can use our trials for good. Ultimately, we must remember that God is sovereign over our difficulties and storms.

The disciples in the boat with Jesus faced a storm, and it was a test for them to learn that the Lord is sovereign over life's problems. Trials and difficulties will come in life, and we must navigate them with faith and trust in God's character. We must remember that no trial is too great for us to bear, and God will provide a way out. We should always have the Lord with us and cultivate a sense of His Presence in our lives to give us strength and encouragement in times of trial. The safe place is where the Lord is, no matter what happens around us.

We should always keep the Lord close and meditate on Him, declaring His blessings, so that His presence remains with us even in difficult times. Trials and tribulations have a purpose and process, and we must seek God's discernment and wisdom to understand them. Instead of running away or complaining, we should pray more, seek God more, and declare His promises to attract His blessings. While it's normal to feel fear and concern, we must not lose our peace, despair, doubt the Lord, or stop seeking Him. As Christians, we should not panic or lose our dignity in tough times, but maintain our faith and trust in God's faithfulness.

Let's go to the Word of the Lord in Mark 4:35 to 41. The Lord's question to us many times is: "Why are you afraid?" Why do you panic, why do you fear, why do you distrust, why do you despair?

I was thinking this week about all these events that we have experienced in recent days and that Friday full of anxiety that took place in this city when I was being this last terrorist, I was being persecuted and it was not known what was going to happen; if he had any more bombs, if he was going to go somewhere and blow himself up like a suicide bomber with whatever other bombs he had or where in the city he was. And the city of Boston was filled with fear and panic and anxiety.

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