Better to give than receive

Omar Soto
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The speaker expresses his joy in the sustenance and victories provided by God, as well as the growth and needs of the León de Judá Congregation. He presents a graph illustrating the importance of financial contributions to meet the increasing needs of the growing membership. He emphasizes that the church's goal is to impact lives with God's love and that financial contributions are a way to support that work. The speaker acknowledges the sensitivity of the topic but stresses that the intention is not to abuse or exploit people. He concludes by encouraging the congregation to respond to God's favor by contributing to the work of the church.

The speaker encourages the congregation to show gratitude to God by responding in love and giving back to Him. Giving is not just about financial contributions, but also about giving time, affection, and commitment. The speaker emphasizes that giving brings greater blessings than receiving and challenges the congregation to dare to believe in God's provision. He also assures them that their giving is not about squeezing money out of them, but rather about contributing to a wonderful work that God is doing in their midst. The speaker ends with a prayer for God's blessing and guidance.

I am going to tell you why I am so happy. Because the hand of God sustains me. Amen. There you have an answer and I can say it. And because always in victory he has carried me, is carrying me and will carry me. Another of the reasons why I feel joy, my brothers, is when I see each one of you, each time I see each one of your faces, and at least with those with whom I have had the opportunity to speak and to be able to know the stories of their lives a little more, to be able to know their achievements and to be able to know some of their struggles. That brings me joy. Because the mere fact that I am seeing you here makes me understand that in you there is a God who is in action. And although many times the winds and storms may roar and the waves try to rise to try to sink our boat, with everything we can remain firm because the Lord is the one who goes with us at all times.

You know what? I also enjoy the fact that although many times there are people who go through life without having God present, God is so good and merciful that with everything and that, God walks behind that person. and the person goes around doing their own thing and God is like, okay, you're doing your own thing but I'm there. You were going to fall into a hole and suddenly God somehow or another prevented you from falling in today, maybe you twisted your ankle, but you didn't fall in the hole.

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