Generous for the Kingdom

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The great commission given by Jesus Christ to his disciples was to make disciples of all nations and bring them into alignment with the values of the Kingdom of God. This requires a well-financed and well-structured organization, and a financially generous people towards God. The church is a corporation, an army, and a government that needs a solid platform, discipline, perseverance, leadership, and a vision aligned with the values of the Kingdom of God. The church is called to exercise great authority over the nations and subdue them to the principles of the Kingdom of God. This call is similar to the one God gave to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, to take control of the earth and submit it to God's order. Christians need to understand the greatness and magnitude of the call and be generous towards the Kingdom of God.

The advancement of the Kingdom of God requires an organization that is aware of its calling to be a force that rules, that conquers, that aligns the world. Without a good financial foundation, the church cannot, will not be able to fulfill the great commission because all the prosperous institutions in the world have behind them generous people who finance them. The only thing that can ensure the advancement and effectiveness of the church of Jesus Christ in its own enterprise of conquering the world here on earth is the generosity of God's people, which includes financial generosity. The Christian must be a factory of generosity, that wherever we go, the blessing of the kingdom goes with us.

The pastor is grateful for the Lord's mercy and the sacrificial giving of his congregation towards the construction of their church. He credits their hard work and generosity for making it possible. He believes that the church's mission is to fulfill the great commission, and every time a soul is saved or helped, it is thanks to the giving of the congregation. He wants the church to be a platoon of God's army, advancing the Kingdom of God, and he encourages his congregation to adopt that vision and live for God's glory.

I want to talk about generosity for the Kingdom of God. And I want you to meditate on that virtue of generosity that the word of God highly praises. But I want to base myself first on a text of scripture and a key moment in the life of the church of Jesus Christ at a historical level, which is what is known as the great commission. It is found in Matthew, chapter 28. And the Lord was speaking to me yesterday while I was asking him for the theme and the specific orientation of the message, the connection between fulfilling and carrying out the great commission that Christ left to the church and the generosity of God's people.

And I want to connect those two things for you this afternoon. The Bible tells us in Matthew 28:16 that:

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