Your mission

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The mission of God is to restore humanity's relationship with Him through His redemptive plan. We are called to join Him in His work and participate in His mission. Our Christian life should be centered on the mission of God, and everything we do in Christ should fit into His plan. Jesus' mission focused on the excluded and marginalized in society. The Great Commission is not just about doing missions, but about our lifestyle, spiritual growth, and expectations. We should not be discouraged, as Christ is our burning bush, and He is passionate about saving the lost. We are all part of His mission, and we should reflect the values of the Kingdom in our lives.

I believe I have understood what God's mission is after reading and studying a beautiful book by Henry Blackeby that has blessed many brothers in the world. 'My experience with God' is one of those books that opens the spiritual eyes of everyone who reads it. One of the postulates it teaches is that we must be attentive to God's missionary action to unite to Him where He is working and join us in His redemptive work. It is not just about doing evangelism, which is good, or evangelizing, which is better, but about working with God so that man can restore his relationship with Him. The mission is not ours, but God's. His motivation rests in his love for the lost. God loves the world even though the world does not love Him. Each of us, as part of the body of Christ, enjoys the privilege of participating in his mission. God has a redemptive plan for humanity and you and I are part of that plan.

Jesus tells us: “And whoever has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name, will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life” (Mt 19:29).

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