God might receive us as slaves but treats us as sons

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In this final meditation on the parable of the useless servant, the speaker encourages listeners to maintain a dual perspective of their true condition before God. On the one hand, God could demand anything from us and treat us with indifference, but on the other hand, God treats us with love, generosity, and mercy. The speaker uses the example of Paul's letter to Philemon to illustrate this duality, where Paul delicately asks Philemon to forgive a runaway slave, and treats him as a brother in Christ. The speaker concludes that God treats us as members of His family, not as slaves, and that we should approach God's throne with boldness and gratitude, while also recognizing our true condition as servants of Christ.

In this meditation I want to finish our long journey through this parable of the Lord Jesus Christ about the useless servant and that we must compare ourselves in the same way and have that attitude of total surrender, but also that God has chosen, in His mercy, to treat us as children and as members of His Kingdom.

And what I want to invite you to do, what I want my brothers who listen to me and see me to be able to do, is to maintain that double image, right? of its true condition. That on the one hand God could demand what He absolutely wanted from us and could treat us with extreme indifference, and with total, as we said, arbitrariness if He wanted, and we have to be willing to do so, but thank the Lord, God treats us with great generosity, love, preference, and that this should be the way we approach the Throne of God, and that our prayers should be bold and daring, and that we have to aspire to receive good things from us. of the Lord, and that we have a bright future before this God who loves us, but that we should never presume to be anything other than what we are, and that God often treats us with such a considerate attitude that it is truly amazing.

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