Wake up and go

Valerie Gonzalez
(Audio: Inglés, Español) ->Alternate

RESUMEN: The message is about waking up and recognizing that we are the Church, and that our priorities need to change. The speaker uses the story of Jonah to illustrate how we can become distracted by our own desires and lose sight of God's desires for us. The Church needs to be proud of its identity and focus on the values that define it, rather than being distracted by material possessions or personal desires. The speaker also emphasizes that God is in control, even in the midst of storms, and uses them to show His power and authority.

The Bible tells us that the devil comes to kill, to destroy, and steal. However, we must understand that God is the God of the storm, and He allows the storm to show His control and power over all things. There are purposes in the storm, and God uses it to reveal truth about ourselves and show His faithfulness. We must wake up and see that the world desperately needs prayer, and as the Church of Christ, we are called to be lifesavers and fisherwomen and men. We must not be sleeping giants but wake up and call upon God to change our priorities and understand that He is the God of the storm. Revival will come to those who wake up and see the world's need for prayer. We must awaken to our light and shine wherever we go, so that God can turn us into light that saves others.

Prayer is not optional for believers and we need to cry out to God for ourselves and for those who are afraid in the midst of the storm caused by our decisions. We need to use prayerwalks to ignite God's power among us and bring new souls to His house for salvation, healing, and freedom. We should resist the temptation to flee and stand firm in God's Word.

So today’s message will be “Wake up and go” and there are 4 things I would like to share with you in regards to wake up and go. First we need to wake up and see that we are the Church. I would like to speak to you about a story that is very well known and due to time I will not be able to read the whole chapter, but I will be speaking about Jonah chapter 1.

Many of us know the story of Jonah, he was a prophet, a prophet is someone that listens and obeys the Voice of God, a prophet’s job is to know the heart of God and to lead others to understand it, he lives and depends on the wishes of God.

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