Paul Jehle - Psalm 85

Paul Jehle
(Audio: English, Spanish) ->Alternate

SUMMARY: The speaker discusses the need for revival and the importance of praying for revival in accordance with God's will and order. He emphasizes that revival involves a change in all three areas of sanctification - spirit, soul, and body - and that a focus on one area alone will not lead to true revival. He also stresses the importance of repentance and recognizing the role of the church in shaping society's culture and values. The speaker encourages believers to understand their purpose and destiny, and to recognize that God owns the earth and has a plan for every person's life.

The purpose of being born again is not just to go to heaven, but to fulfill God's calling and destiny on earth. Satan's covenants are counterfeits of God's original intentions, and it is possible to reverse them. The first church in Roxbury was the spiritual fervor that gave rise to Harvard and published the first songbook and Bible in the colony. The goal of revival is to bring some of heaven to earth and for the Kingdom of God to spring forth from the earth. This can happen when both rivers of mercy and truth, grace and law, meet in our lives and the ideas of God have more weight than any other. We must intercede for revival and ask God to change us first before bringing change to the culture. Politics will change as a result of the Kingdom coming forth, not the other way around.

Revival is about bringing some of heaven to earth and establishing the Kingdom of God on earth. This requires individuals to let God move within them and have His will done on earth. The goal is for the Kingdom of God to spring forth from the earth, and for all churches to come together as God's kingdom progressively comes. The prayer is for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Psalm 85, it’s a psalm that was written as a prayer for intercession and specifically intercession for revival. And in the Bible we have a pattern for prayer for revival. God gives us a pattern as the design on how to pray.

How many would agree that there is a rising tide of revival? Amen. In New England and in Boston. The tide is rising but we must be responsible to be able to pray and understand God’s order and how He brings revival. And that is critical because the Bible tells us we can pray amidst. We can pray for the wrong things, or we can pray with the wrong motive. We can pray at the wrong time, in the wrong way.

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