Seeking harmony touches the heart of the Father

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The promise in Matthew 18:18-20 is embedded in the recipe that God gave us to resolve conflicts between brothers. Jesus knows that we want to touch the heart of God, and he reveals to us an insurmountable principle of heaven, which is seeking harmony. The Lord seeks an environment where people prefer each other, where there is an absence of grudges, discord, gossip, and demoralization of others. Holiness is not just shielding our hearts from God but also treating each other with love and respect. We should beware of grudges and roots of bitterness and be reconciled with our brothers before presenting our offerings to God.

The speaker addresses two issues that hinder the flow of God's grace in our lives - holding grudges and abusing authority, which includes disharmony in the home. The message emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and treating others with respect, especially those in authority. The speaker encourages the congregation to examine their hearts and ask for forgiveness where necessary, and to seek reconciliation with those they have grudges against. The message ends with a call to greet and love one another, so that the harmony of God may reign wherever we go.

Let's open the word to Matthew 18, beginning with verse 18. And while you're looking for your Bible, I need at least three volunteers with the message tonight, and basically your role is to read that word as a Pentecostal preacher, which there are quite a few here, I know. Amen. Well, I need someone to find this text. Keep calm. And in due time I will tell you. I do not doubt that there will be many pleasures when reading this biblical portion again. Matthew 18, verses 18 to 20 read like this.

“…Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again I tell you, if two of you agree ─ say they agree ─ if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father who is in heaven, because where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them..."

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