Peace that passes all understanding

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker reflects on the importance of seeking the presence of the Lord through holy convocations, as seen in Leviticus, and encourages the congregation to participate in a week dedicated to seeking God's face in prayer. He then focuses on the fruit of the Spirit, specifically peace, and reads from Philippians 4, emphasizing the importance of focusing on positive things from the Kingdom of God and being content in all situations. The peace of the Lord is a peace that passes all understanding and does not depend on circumstances. The speaker also mentions the importance of observing good examples and mentors in one's life.

Peace is a complex and dynamic concept that is composed of many facets. As Christians, we must be people of peace and strive for peace in our lives, families, and communities. We must not be content with division, but seek unity and harmony within ourselves and with others. The house of the Lord should be a place of extreme reverence and peace, and our homes should be healing places where peace reigns. We must invest in the health of our homes and relationships, and fight for peace even in the midst of trials and difficulties.

The speaker encourages the congregation to invest in creating healing homes and to strive for the order of God's Kingdom. They emphasize the importance of having peaceful and orderly homes, where each family member knows their role and respects each other. The speaker also prays for the congregation to reflect the beauty and harmony of God's Kingdom in all areas of their lives, and for their young people to be examples to others. They end with a blessing for their town and a call to continue meditating on the peace of the Lord.

I was reading in Leviticus this very week, because I am going back to read the Bible again, about the holy convocations. God called the people of Israel to have seven convocations. There was the Feast of Trumpets, the Feast of First Fruits, the week of atonement, and a different number of things, the Passover, the Feast of Tabernacles. Each of those things constituted a holy convocation where the people were supposed to go to the temple to worship the Lord and offer sacrifice at that time.

We now do them every Sunday. We come on Wednesdays, different times, but this idea of separating a time to be before the presence of the Lord as a people. And I encourage you in the name of the Lord to look at what God is doing in León de Judá at this time, the call that God is making to us, his visitations that are so beautiful, so special.

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