Before undertaking something we need to seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The Holy Spirit is the source of power and energy that every child of God needs to carry out God's purposes. From the very beginning of creation, we see the Holy Spirit moving and creating order out of chaos. In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God moves in the lives of men and women, prophets, and kings to carry out God's works. King Saul was anointed with oil as a sign of the Spirit of God that was going to rest on him to enable him to carry out the things that God wanted him to do. Likewise, we need the anointing of the Holy Spirit to undertake anything in the Name of the Lord.

Every child of God needs the energy and power that comes from the Holy Spirit, who when God calls us to the Christian life calls us to receive power from on high and to execute all the things that God wants us to carry out in His Power and not in our energy.

One of the greatest challenges we have as children of God is learning to move not in our own strength but in the force that comes from the Holy Spirit, transferring our actions to that source, changing the engine, so to speak, of our way of acting. in life, so that the main energy, the driving force of our actions, is the force of the Holy Spirit and not our own carnal and human energy.

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