What is the number one reason you do not share your faith?
Doug TunneyIf you have your Bibles I'd like you to look at Mark chapter 1 verse 17. And when you look at this I want you to realize that this is the first command that Jesus gave to the New Testament Church. Until this moment in time He doesn't have disciples, He is calling His first disciples and this is His first commands to His first disciples.
You know everybody has things that they wanna do in life and there's many causes out there for us to be involved in. Everybody is wearing pink against cancer for example and it's good to do that but let's talk about the central call, the first call that Jesus gives us as christians, as followers of Him. It's not confusing, come and follow Me, get set free of your sin, get set free of your misery. Let Me help you. And that's what He did for me.