If you don't pick up with Jesus, you scatter

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker discusses the concept of being a missionary and how it applies to every believer. He emphasizes that when one accepts Jesus as Lord, the kingdom of God comes into their life and they become a threat to the kingdom of Satan. He urges believers to embrace their role as a missionary and to seek the help of the Holy Spirit to bind and cast out demons. He also reminds them that they must play by the rules and not replicate the works of Satan. The speaker ends by praying for blessings and protection for believers and their homes. He also mentions an upcoming movie screening.

Matthew chapter 12, beginning with verse 28. In the academic resource center, it is the ministry that I have the privilege of directing, and it is a ministry of this church, as the academic says, and we have a weekly prayer time as it says weekly these days, and today in an academic ministry this text was read. What a strange thing, we meditated on it, and when I meditated on it I realized wow, this is the word for this town tonight, and in the name of Jesus Lord, we don't want to read it, we just want to live it, we want to practice it. Because he declares this word like this: "Jesus said, but if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. For how can one enter the house of a strong man, and plunder his goods, if you don't tie him up first, and then you can loot his house." Then Jesus declares: "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."

My brothers, as we entered into this conversation this afternoon, we began with this statement, the brothers that were surrounded at our conference table, whether it be the ESL mentoring program, or the university academic program, forget about that, you know what What are we?, missionaries. missionaries. Do you know what a missionary is? It is someone that the Lord has chosen to go to places where the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ has not yet been raised, there he has sent him, with his life, with everything that the Lord has given him, to plant his banner there. You know, did you know that you are also a missionary? That you are also a missionary? At the moment that you cling to the promise of Jesus Christ and call Jesus Christ Lord, at that moment you have made a decision, and the principles that govern your life, something supernatural has already happened that perhaps you did not even realize, but the rules for his life changed.

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