called to testify

Bill Murdoch
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: The speaker emphasizes the importance of sharing personal stories and testimonies to spread the Gospel effectively. He notes that despite the prevalence of technology, face-to-face encounters are the most impactful way to share the message of Christ. The speaker urges the congregation to invest in others before inviting them to Christ and to share their stories in small doses, rather than dumping all their testimony at once. He emphasizes the joy that comes from sharing the Gospel and the importance of staying in God's love. The speaker also shares stories from the Bible that illustrate the Father's heart and desire for sinners to return home. He concludes by reminding listeners that God loves them and that their personal stories of salvation can have a powerful impact on others.

The speaker shares a story of an intercessor who spoke to a woman who felt unloved and unwanted, and how God loves and desires every human being. The speaker encourages the congregation to share their own experiences of God's love, sin, Jesus, grace, and salvation prayer, and to be prepared to share the Gospel with others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making these experiences personal and memorable.

The measure of the success of a Church is through the testimony of the community of saints, history, the story of the people. So, listening to the stories and testimonies of the saints among you today, I think that your Congregation has great wealth, great wealth among you and much treasure.

The Scripture says that where your treasure is, there will also be your heart and the history of the Church that you have and that you are as a Congregation needs to be told and declared out there as well. The building should not be like a container like a basket, a basket that is on top of a bushel hiding our life, but the Lord Jesus Christ said: you are the light of the world.

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