Year of consolidation (Part 3)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
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: The sermon discusses the importance of reconsecration and reflection as a congregation at Bethel, the place where Abram reconsecrates his life and worships the Lord again. The church needs to revisit and tighten things that God has given them, such as a supernatural mentality and the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They also need to be intentional, of excellence, and a prophetic presence in the city and nation. The church wants to emphasize more evangelism and bring more people to the church. The sermon concludes with specific goals for the year, including continuing the effort of evangelism, solidly establishing themselves in their new sanctuary, and beautifying and putting the finishing touches on it.

The Church needs to focus on strengthening prayer and seeking the power of the Holy Spirit, officially inaugurating the new sanctuary, functioning normally without the burden of continuous construction, paying off short-term debts, increasing financial support, becoming a truly multi-ethnic Church, and learning to function with two sanctuaries and three buildings. The Church has grown numerically but not financially, and needs to balance its income with the increasing needs of the congregation. The goal is to continue to provide excellent pastoral care and services, but this requires increased financial support and a balanced bilingual mentality.

We have been talking about Bethel, that place where Abram comes after being in Egypt, reconsecrates his life, worships the Lord again on that altar that he had built before and then continues with the things that God has, God renewing his pact with him that had already started before and we have said that we as the Church are also in a period more or less like this, after an interlude, a time of arduous, difficult, dangerous and exhausting construction and we are returning like Abram from Egypt, and we cleanse ourselves a little dust and we arrived at that stone, that place where we have made a sign of an encounter with God.

Perhaps we think like Abram where we have been, where we are going, we reconnect the past with the present and with the future and then we launch ourselves to search again for the Will of the Lord, and we have talked about how important it is that we consolidate forward, that we press things well before going to undertake new things.

"Year of consolidation (Part 3)":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Year of consolidation (Part 3)
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of reconsecration, new beginnings, and renewal of covenants with God for the congregation. He emphasizes the need for reflection, consolidation, and reaffirmation of commitment to being a supernaturally oriented, gift-oriented, charismatic, excellent, and evangelistic people. The article also highlights specific goals for the congregation and the financial challenges they face.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Year of consolidation (Part 2)
A sermon about the vision and framework for a congregation to solidify and strengthen what has already been gained before moving forward.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Year of consolidation (Part 2)
The sermon discusses the concept of consolidation in the Church, using the example of Genesis 13. It emphasizes the importance of being a sign for Gods glory, leading the way in social, moral, and spiritual transformation, and embodying harmony in diversity.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Consolidation year
The pastor reflects on the journey of congregation, emphasizes importance of consolidation, generosity, maintaining values of Scripture, and having a visionary outlook.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Year of consolidation
A Word from the Lord about the need for consolidation in the coming year and the importance of being a visionary church, having patience, persistence, and generosity in fulfilling Gods purposes.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
We have never been here before
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of rehearsing, previewing, and meditating on past experiences before entering into new ones. He draws parallels with the Hebrews in the desert and their journey towards the promised land, and emphasizes the need for dependence on Gods power and direction, and the importance of maintaining a distance of reverence before His holy presence. The sermon ends with a call to prepare and sanctify ourselves, as Gods presence is expected to move among us.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Sanctification precedes wonders
The speaker discusses various topics related to faith and spirituality, such as the importance of being guided by the Holy Spirit, using counter-intuitive procedures, being saturated with the word of the Lord, the concept of anathema, spiritual warfare, and the importance of sanctification and consecration. They also share personal experiences and use examples from the Bible to illustrate their points.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
You have to start flowing in what God gives you
The importance of connecting with the infinite wisdom of God, resting in the Lord, and seeking the anointing of the Holy Spirit in worship and in life.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Call Assembly
Dr. Roberto Miranda's sermon discusses the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37 and how it applies to the current state of the church. The sermon is about God's desire to move in every individual and bring revival before the second coming of Christ. It emphasizes the need for repentance, surrendering to God's work, spiritual surgery, consecration, and faith. The sermon encourages the church to cry out to God for His glory to be established in the nations.

Andrés Cisterna
The gift of generous giving
The author encourages readers to be generous in their giving to the church and to make a vow to the Lord, using the example of Jacobs vow to God. Giving should be a continual act of worship and faithful stewardship, with a kingdom consciousness.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
We have never been this way before
A sermon on Joshua 3:1-17 and the importance of trusting in Gods guidance and following the Holy Spirit in times of new beginnings. The speaker emphasizes the need for rest, reflection, and flexibility, and the importance of sanctification and consecration in every aspect of our lives.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Half way
The pastor of León de Judá church in Boston gives a sermon encouraging the congregation to fulfill their financial pledge for the churchs construction project and emphasizes the importance of faith, strategic planning, and generous giving.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
In the final line
The article discusses the churchs construction project and fundraising efforts to complete the new sanctuary. It emphasizes the importance of generous giving, fulfilling commitments, and completing the final stretch of the project.

Samuel Acevedo
What do we want from revival?
The author discusses the importance of revival and how it can empower the church to ask for anything from God. He emphasizes the need for authority in the presence of the Lord, awareness of the pain of others, and confessing sins. The article ends with a call to stand up and become aware of the sanctity of the house of God.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Prepared to give
The pastor emphasizes the importance of preparing our hearts and having a willing will to give to the Lord. He also speaks about Gods call for each persons life and the need to discover and fulfill that calling, particularly for the Latino community in the United States.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Does the church have what it takes?
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda emphasizes the importance of the church having the power of God and being filled with the Holy Spirit. He discusses the story of the bent-over woman who was healed by Jesus and calls for the church to seek more of the power of God, rather than just going through the motions. He also emphasizes the need for a mature and balanced Christian life, and the responsibility of the church to fight against the forces of evil in the world.

Architect's presentation February 15, 2009: The symbolism of the new sanctuary
Read about the architects design and symbolism of the new sanctuary for Congregation Leon de Juda, which includes an acoustical ceiling and individual seats. The campaign encourages generosity and faith in financial negotiations with banks.

Omar Soto
Meditate on the word of God
A speaker encourages the congregation to meditate on the Word of God, emphasizing its importance and power to transform lives.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
There is a lot of work to be done
The importance of building a temple for the glory of God and advancing the kingdom of God, emphasizing the need for prayer and financial support, and encouraging the congregation to focus on this effort and limit other activities for the time being.