Year of consolidation (Part 2)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: English, Spanish) ->Alternate

SUMMARY: The speaker is continuing a sermon from New Year's Eve about the vision and framework for their congregation. They focus on the story of Abram returning to a place of consecration and worship after a journey to Egypt. The speaker emphasizes the word "consolidation" as a theme for the next stage of their journey, meaning to solidify and strengthen what has already been gained before moving forward. The congregation has been on a long journey of building and establishing a foundation for the Kingdom of God in their area. The speaker encourages the congregation to revisit the experiences and lessons they have learned and not just add new things without fully developing what has already been given. One of the key elements of their congregation is a supernatural mentality and understanding of spiritual dynamics.

The speaker discusses five key elements that God wants the congregation to focus on: developing a supernatural mentality, manifesting the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, incarnating the excellence and prosperity of the Kingdom in their institutional life, combining wisdom with science and the supernatural with the specific, and being a prophetic presence in the city and region. He also emphasizes the importance of becoming moral, social, and spiritual agents of transformation, working with the homeless, gang members, and the homosexual community to bring them into the Kingdom of God. Lastly, he emphasizes the importance of unity and diversity within the congregation, where people of different ethnicities and backgrounds can come together in harmony and mutual respect.

God wants us to be a true Pentecost Day Church, with diversity and unity in proclaiming the greatness of the Lord. We must fully commit ourselves to being instruments of the Kingdom of God, and strive for white-hot passion for the Spirit. Effective evangelism is also important, and it requires effort from both the Church and individuals. We must reconsecrate ourselves and commit to a new level of transformation and power in our lives and as a congregation.

I want to connect with the sermon that I started on New Year's Eve and I think it's a vision inducing sermon that provides a framework for us. We wanted to talk about some of the things God has for us, some of the things that God wants to do in the life of our Congregation so, you know? I started and I know there are still many things that God wants to speak to everybody, those who were not able to be here to also be able to participate. So you know, I really wanna take a little more time this morning to continue developing the sermon.

We want all of you to participate in the vision that God has for us so I'm gonna go back a little bit and reinforce some things and develop some new things as well. So let me just go quickly, Genesis chapter 13 verses 1 through 4, in this passage we have a moment in the life and the journey of Abram, it's a moment of consecration, it is a moment of going back to ancient places, revisiting places of consecration and visitation.

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